Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 370: Change of Plan

Chapter 370: Change of Plan

'What, woo... Even if it's not me, I'd be embarrassed too. Why can you say that so shamelessly, Sister Elena?' Elysia was completely flushed red. She did not expect their plan to enter the elven capital city by wearing revealing dresses.

'What can I do? I will be willing to sacrifice for you, Ely. So, I'll take care of everything, and you don't have to sink into shame and blush.' Elena declared herself as if she was a selfless big sister who was willing to bleed for her little sister.

'But you look so happy... Let me think of another idea for us, Sister Elena. I don't want you to wear any revealing dress for everyone to see.' Elysia became somewhat helpless, but she had no intention of letting the earlier plan prevail.

'Ara, so protective.' Elena felt happy for some reason.

'Ah, I have a better idea. Would you like to hear it, Sister Elena?' Elysia dropped her fist onto her open palm.

'I'm all ears.' Elena was eager to listen.

'But, we need to change our original plan and turn it into this one of mine.' Elysia asked for confirmation first. It would be useless if the rejection came right afterward.

'I need to hear your idea before we decide anything, Ely.' Elena knew this game, and she didn't immediately say yes because it wasn't interesting.

'Alright then. So, my idea is as simple as this. If female elves wear revealing dresses and male elves wear polite robes, why don't we disguise ourselves as male elves? That way, no one has to wear revealing dresses!' Elysia clapped her hands with an enthusiastic smile.

'Well, that's an interesting idea, Ely. But, I'm not good at making myself look like a male elf. My imagination is not as rich as yours. Oh, wait, I remember you can perfectly use the face changing illusion technique, Ely. You will enter the elven capital city with Rhea to look for information. I only need to appear as the Goddess of Light once we are before those elven sovereigns.' Elena came up with an even more brilliant idea.

At least, that was what she thought. After all, going around the city looking for information for two or three hours was boring.

'How about that, Ely? You will have the opportunity to go on a date with the Divine Goddess. It's just you disguised as a male elf, and let Rhea stay as a female elf, hehe...' Elena asked for an agreement. She smirked faintly for that win-win solution.

'Well, we can't decide for Rhea. If she doesn't want to disguise herself as a male elf, then we can't force her.' Elysia pondered for a moment. Elena's idea wasn't bad either, and she didn't mind it either. After all, she knew Elena only wanted to punish those presumptuous sovereigns.

'So, that's a deal?' Elena asked for some certainty.

'Yes, let's do that. Rhea and I will look around the city for information, and you will appear when we have visited the palace. I also have an interesting scenario for later.' Elysia gave an answer without delay since she had already decided that beforehand.

'Then, let's switch now. I want to laze around while teasing you in the Soul Realm.' Elena instantly left Elysia's body to return to the Soul Realm.

Meanwhile, Elysia immediately took over her body before she fell from the tree.

'Ahem, Ely, please share about this change of plans with the others.' Elena left the rest of the troublesome things to Elysia. Her task for today had been completed, and she also managed to make Elysia take over the body.

'Okay.' Elysia agreed as she glanced at the two fairies. She then interrupted their night chat. "Excuse me, may I have your attention for a moment?"

Rhea and Nell fell silent at once. They turned to Elysia with a bit of confusion because they still thought it was Elena.

"Yes? Is that you Elysia?" Nell was the first to speak to confirm the truth.

"Uh, yes? It's me, Elysia." Elysia blinked her eyes a few times with an expression that was no less confused than Nell. She suddenly realized that questions like this would come up frequently because maybe those who knew her secret would think she had multiple personalities.

"Hmm... Then, please bring your face closer to me." Nell looked into Elysia's eyes in consideration. She felt Elysia's vibe while using her foreboding ability. So, it wasn't Elena who wanted to make fun of her.

Elysia didn't doubt anything and complied with that easy request. She brought her face close to Nell's with an innocent expression. And at that very moment, Nell touched his cheek.

"Oh! You really are Elysia. I miss you! Your master has been so oppressive in recent times. You need to lecture your master so she can imitate at least one or two of your personalities, Elysia." Nell now became convinced and immediately poured out a few complaints.

"O-oh, thanks. But, I don't have any right to make my master change her attitude, Nell. If you pay close attention, my master is nice to Rhea for a reason, but it's a bit different to you. What have you done to receive such an attitude from my master?" Elysia tried to give a clue to Nell because this little Goddess was not viewed favorably by Elena.

"What have I done? What is it? Emm..." Nell put her finger to her chin as she tried to recall some things. Elysia had spoken, and she started to think that in Elysia's words, there might be some truth in them too.

"Ah, please reflect on that, Nell. I'd like to tell you about a slight change in our plans for the elven capital city." Elysia closed the topic of discussion and turned to the main issue.

"Sure, please." Rhea responded with an open palm hand gesture.

"So, I've had discussions with my master. So, this is our renewal plan-" Elysia then shared about her plan to disguise herself as a male elf.

Only the appearance of the face in the illusion, not the whole, because she only had her original form and Elena's form. She could not transform her body to another than that.

After the explanation was over, Nell nodded as if she understood Elysia's dilemma. "You're willing to go that far just because you're too embarrassed to wear a revealing dress. Yes, you don't have to wear a dress like the elves if you don't want to. Let's do it. But, can you use high level illusion magic, Elysia?"

"En, I can. Do I need to prove that to you first?" Elysia gave a V hand sign with a smile.

"Well, you can do that tomorrow morning. I wouldn't doubt if you were able to use advanced disguise magic." Nell waved her hand.

At that moment, Elysia felt something crawl up her back. She was still lying on her stomach, and something came just to lie on her back?

When she checked, it turned out to be Vanessa. Yet, she also saw that the tortoise was also approaching.

"Ow ow ow! Gio, please don't step on my legs." Elysia groaned in pain because it felt like about 10 kilograms of rock was pressing down on her. Gio's body wasn't much bigger than a cat's, but he still weighed quite a lot.

Elysia immediately got out of her sleeping bag to check her legs. Well, her legs were a little red with tortoise footprints. Her body was too delicate to be stepped on by a 10-kilogram tortoise.

After Elysia healed herself with healing magic, she looked at the tortoise with a sigh.

Meanwhile, Vanessa approached the tortoise to knock the tortoise's rock-hard head. Then, she started meowing to lecture the tortoise in animal language. This Beast Emperor was strangely obedient to her even though she was a Spirit Beast.

As if realizing his mistake, Gio lowered his head and lay there. He wouldn't climb onto that sleeping bag even if his master was there.

"Meaoww..." Vanessa gave the tortoise her final behavioral direction. Then, she returned to her master to curl up on her master's lap.

"Hehe, it's fun to see a Beast Emperor act like an ordinary beast." Rhea chuckled while covering her mouth. Yet, she remembered that she had not yet responded to the change of plans. "Oh, right, master... For the plan you discussed earlier, can I choose not to disguise myself as a male elf like you? Also, is it possible for me to save the use of magic for the unexpected?"

"Ah, sure. No pressure." Elysia gave an 'Ok' hand gesture, then went back into her sleeping bag.

"Thank you." Rhea nodded with a smile in response.

Nell thought that the plan was fixed and reached a consensus. She just turned her head back to stare at the lake under the night sky. However, several elves were also present at the lakeside.

"Look at that lake, where we had dinner just now. Some elves have come there and are investigating the remains of our bonfire." Nell pointed at the lake in the distance. "Emm, this protective barrier is soundproof and will make us invisible, right?"

Hearing that, Elysia only added a few layers of barriers, just in case. Then, she looked in the direction Nell was pointing. "Yes, this layered barrier will make us invisible from the outside. Sound can enter, but not the other way around."

"Who wants to do the night watch?" Elysia glanced at Nell, Rhea, and Vanessa in search of a volunteer.

"Then let me do the night guard." Rhea raised her hand to volunteer.

However, Nell didn't let her big sister work alone. So that night, Rhea and Nell would take turns doing the night watch.

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