Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 364: Colossal Earth Dragon

Chapter 364: Colossal Earth Dragon

A fairly familiar blue tree was also thrown high into the sky.

The explosion in the distance made Rhea and Nell surprised. Elena immediately opened her eyes to look far to the east.

Elena and Elysia could see a new colossal earth dragon leaping out of the ground from the direction of the sunset. The moment the earth dragon landed, a tectonic earthquake shook the ground once again.

Even though Elena and her group were still in the sky, they could still see the impact caused by the earthquake. Trees fell, the ground crumbled, and damage was done to large areas.

"What is that? Wait, isn't that the location of Ancient Woodland is?" Nell put her hand to her forehead while using her magic vision.

"Accursed monsters went berserk? Isn't that area cleaned by Master Elena three days ago?" Rhea asked in astonishment.

"Little one, do you remember the earth dragon that Ely described five days ago? The big boy who almost resembled a small mountain. This chaos is caused by him. He is an acquaintance of yours, right? Please do something about this." Elena simply ordered the concerned party.

"Huh? Do you mean Gioragh? He's on a rampage? That's easy to say. I don't even know why he was sealed deep underground." Nell hesitated. Then, she looked at her worried big sister for a clue. "Big sister?"

"Ah, this is bad! Let's go there first to stop Gioragh. My mother was forced to seal him because he lost his mind after receiving too much erosion and curse energy. He will destroy whatever comes in his way!" Rhea urged for quick action with a sense of panic, but not too much because Elena and Elysia were still around to rely on.

"Ah, okay!" Nell panicked too. Thus she immediately ordered her magic carpet to fly toward Ancient Woodland at full speed.

A little further east, the fairies from the Guardian Clan were flying away from the center of the disaster. They could only escape to a safe place because the colossal monster went on a rampage.

A monster was as big as a mountain that had been sealed for a long time in a sealing chamber that had been protected from generation to generation. In the end, it managed to break free due to the collapse of the Tree of Life three days ago.

"Quickly evacuate! The monster has gone berserk." Shelly, the village chief, exclaimed out loud as she made sure her remaining clan members could escape safely.

She and her entire Guardian Clan had been struggling to keep the sealing chamber from collapsing in the last two days. Unfortunately, the dreaded day arrived in the end. Her clan failed in carrying out their main task that had been passed down for thousands of years.

At that moment, they were only a kilometer away from the colossal monster.

"Village Chief Shelly, you must escape too! At this point, it's impossible for us to reseal this evil earth dragon." An elder exclaimed anxiously.

"Wait, where's Shiny? Shiny, where are you!" Shelly ignored the advice given because she had not seen her granddaughter.

As soon as the sealing chamber started to collapse, all the fairies from the Guardian Clan immediately tried to escape. Sadly, not everyone had that luck. Some failed to save themselves and were buried alive when the colossal monster came out of the sealing chamber.

"Aaaa, aah! Grandma, please save me! Aaa-" Shiny screamed in despair and fear. She was caught between the roots just above the colossal earth dragon's head.

The old fairy immediately looked up and narrowed her eyes. Shelly finally saw her granddaughter's whereabouts.

"Shiny, oh my granddaughter... Please wait for me, I'll save you right away!" Shelly did not consider or think about anything. She immediately rushed to save her precious granddaughter.

Unfortunately, two of the village elders suddenly grabbed her arms from behind. They tried to prevent her from saving her granddaughter.

"Village chief, that's too dangerous. You—" The elder had a long beard sternly warned. However, his words were only immediately cut short.

"Are you telling me to just let my precious granddaughter die? Get lost!" Shelly used her wind magic to throw the two elders.

"You are a matriarch and village chief, how can you be so irresponsible to act without consideration!?" The bald elder shouted before Shelly flew away.

"If I don't come back, you can become the village chief. Shiny is my direct family which is so precious to me!" Shelly answered with a shout before resuming her flight toward the colossal earth dragon.

She abandoned her responsibilities, clan duties, and even the plan to reseal the evil earth dragon. The one thing she could think of at that moment was only her granddaughter's safety, nothing else.


The colossal earth dragon moved his four legs toward the direction of the setting sun. His every step caused an earthquake that shook the ground simply because of his size. He felt something was missing from the east, but he didn't know what it was.

"Grrr..." The colossal earth dragon growled and kept walking while trying to think, even though nothing came to mind. Apart from his unknown rage and inexplicable deep hatred, he also felt extremely confused and simply wanted to destroy everything he could see.

"Aaahh! I'm stuck, anyone, please help me! Grandma, Len, whoever. Boohoo, waa, waah..." Shiny started crying because she really couldn't do anything about it. She was also weighed down by dread.

"My granddaughter, please be quiet. You can attract the attention of this colossal monster to us. Grandma is here, please don't cry." Shelly landed on the earth dragon's head. She had been very careful not to attract attention.

"Mm." Shiny nodded like an obedient child.

After that, Shelly immediately tried to cut the roots entangling her granddaughter carefully so that her granddaughter wouldn't be injured.

However, it wasn't as easy as it looked. The roots were very hard and heavy. Shelly needed time for that by chopping them off bit by bit, even with her Saint-level strength.

"Grr?" The colossal earth dragon felt something small above his head. It was insignificant, but that didn't mean he would let them be there.

When he just decided to eradicate the insects that landed on his head, his eyes widened to notice an immense crater in front of him.

An entire area of more than ten kilometers was completely destroyed.

For so many unknown reasons, he felt deep sorrow. He didn't know what it was, but he was sure the source of his feeling of loss was once within that area.

The colossal earth dragon took a deep breath until his neck was bulging. Then, he roared loudly toward the sky to release his deep sorrow.


It was like a roar of rage, but it also sounded like the cry of a lost child.

The colossal earth dragon had forgotten the insects perching on his head. He leaped and entered the crater area. An earthquake occurred once again just because of the moving mountain.

Then, he moved with no definite aim, as if he was looking for something. He even fiercely destroyed the surrounding area as if hoping that the missing thing was still there, maybe just buried.

"Urgh, Grandma. This monster is rampaging again. Please get away from here as soon as possible. It's pointless... I can't hear any sound anymore. I, I can't come out alive." Shiny tried to push her grandmother as she was flooded with tears.

Her eardrums had broken, and blood flowed from her ears. In addition, her grandmother's attempts to cut off the bluish roots that ensnared her seemed futile. She didn't want it if she would drag her grandmother to death with her.


Shelly immediately slapped her granddaughter and returned to chop off the roots. She had cut one, just a little more, to save her granddaughter.

At that moment, Shiny only shed tears in silence. She felt stupid to say that and regretted it enough. Her grandmother wouldn't go without her.

One kilometer above the colossal earth dragon, Nell's magic carpet just arrived at the scene. Elena and her group immediately looked down to check the situation.

"Gioragh seems to be looking for something? Is it true that he has lost his mind?" Nell asked in confusion. For this situation, only her big sister knew the information... Lifa too, but that wasn't an option.

'Oh no. He broke free from the seal and started attacking blindly.' Rhea clasped her hands and thought quickly for the best solution for the current situation.

Meanwhile, Elena and Elysia tried to analyze the colossal earth dragon below them.

[| Lv. 198 | Beast Emperor | Graeummoth Tyrant Earth Dragon | Gioragh | HP: 3,160,100 / 14,121,600 | EP: 151,600 / 1,866,900 |]

[| STR: 327 | AGI: 11 | VIT: 995 | INT: 133 |]

"Woah, as expected. It's so big! That earth dragon is like a small mountain that can move, even though it's so slow. He's a Beast Emperor who is so close to God level, huh?" Elena rested her cheek against her hand while watching the earth dragon. That dragon was just attacking blindly, then dug out the ground as if looking for treasure.

'Sister Elena, please look at the enormous earth dragon's head. There are two fairies, and one seems to be trapped and injured.' Elysia immediately shared her observation, but she felt the two fairies were strangely familiar. 'Eh? Wait, looks like we've met those two fairies.'

'Aren't they fairies from the Guardian Clan's village near the Tree of Life? I confirmed that village was't affected by the explosion three days ago, but why are those two fairies there?' Elena wondered as she found it a little strange.

'Forget consideration, hurry and tell Nell.' Elysia urged for swift action.

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