Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 41 - You Still Have A Home

After that Madam Cheng  was on roll , Su Wan  didn't  even  need to ask  anything anymore  and Madam Cheng  told her everything.  Turns out that after the death of  Su Wan's  mother , Su Bai took charge  of the Madam Shen 's dowry shops . Generally, if a man marries  another  woman after his wife passes away , the dowry  of his first  wife needed to be returned to her natal family  . 

However , Su Bai told Madam Shen brothers that he wanted to keep  Madam Shen 's dowry shops for Su Wan  and give them to her until she was old enough  to get married  .  Su Wan uncles  obliged  and they changed the  name  on the deed from Madam  Shen to Su Wan  . 


This was  what Su Bai wanted , once the shops changed owners from the Shen family to the Su family  . Su Bai started  running rampant  as Su Wan's  father who was the owner  of the shops .

" At first your father only took the money that was kept aside  for you and the Su family  but later on he started  smuggling the entire  shop's  income , when I tried to stop him, he threatened  me with yamen saying that he  would complain against me for embezzling  the money from  the shops . I never took a coin  that didn't  belonged to me ,miss. " said Madam Cheng as the assistant  placed the tea and cakes in front  of Su Wan and the others " That day I wanted to resign but your father  didn't  let me instead he warned  that if I walk out of this shop he will sue me for sure .  Never once Had madam Shen and the masters  from the Shen family treated  me so terribly but in the end I'm  just a slave and your father is the master  .If he really sued me I wouldn't  have been  able to explain  the matter even  if  I had hundreds mouth " 

" And just like that he would take away everything  even the salary of the staff . That was fine too because we would  keep a seperate account and settle the staff 's salary before your  father arrived  to take the shops money but then he started  to take away the good fabrics from the shop and wouldn't  pay no matter  what I say to him . Because there was a sudden decline  in the fine fabric the income of  the store was also affected  . .. then  your father  came  asking for the store's  income  and flew into  a rage when the money earned didn't  match the previous  months income . He blamed me for embezzling  too much and  I told him that it was because he was being too greedy  and took the finest clothes home but instead of changing  his ways - your father , he , he actually sold off one of my  staff's  woman ! " 

" mistress  it has  been going  on for years now  our once  elite shop have been  degraded  to this "  sobbed  Madam Cheng  " yet your father still don't  know how to stop today he sent one of his servant and asked  me to send him the finest clothes of our winter collection  , if I let them take away the clothes how are we supposed to earn ?" 

Su Wan  who finished  listening  to Madam Cheng 's experience  was so angry that she trembled.  Snatching  entire money income  ! Snatching the finest clothes  !  This much was still something  Su Wan  could still stand but selling a young woman ? Selling an alive and kicking woman ? This was something  she could  never stand . 

Slaves  were human too in her eyes so what if they signed  a deed and even if they signed a deed they signed it with The Shen family  ! Who was Su Bai to sell those servants ? And what was more even  after snatching so many things  from the shops  that belonged to Su Wan  that shameless  man actually starved  that poor  girl to death and subsidized that shameless  bitch and her daughter  ! 

Furious and enraged  Su Wan  punched  the tabled  with  a loud  thud  .Lin Yu who was sitting beside her hurriedly  rubbed her palm and soothed her " Wan Wan  don't  get angry , what was going to happen had already happened " 

Yes , she couldn't  change  what already happened  thus there was no point in beating  herself over it.

Only now did Madam Cheng  looked  over at Lin Yu and the others who followed Su Wan  inside , at first  she was too happy to  see Su Wan  and didn't  pay attention to the men who came after her " Young miss ; these men are -"

" my husbands  " said Su Wan with a smile after  calming herself down "  There is one more at home , my father  sold me to these gentlemen  " 

" Oh husbands- WHAT SOLD ?" Madam Cheng  who was calm through  out the entire  conversation  couldn't  sit still anymore  .How could she ?She was madam Shen 's personal maid before  she was sent as a dowry  maid  . Madam Cheng  was obviously  very close to Madam Shen and when she heard that the daughter for whom Madam Shen  gave up her life  for was sold , she suddenly had an urge  to stab her sewing needles  in Su Bai's freaking eyes " That shameless man ! He actually  sold you the owner of this shop yet he is daring enough  to ask for the finest clothes from your shop , the shop of the daughter he sold  "  the more Madam Cheng  spoke  the more agitated  she became  , she even  swept a furious  glance at The Lin brothers  who felt  a chill crawl up their  spine .

" Yes that's  why if my  father dares to come to this shop  again  tell him  that  he needs to pay . Don't  reject the Su family  directly  just ask  for money for whatever  they want to purchase  and just in case they refuse tell them to meet me at Yamen " said Su Wan  who looked quite amused at Madam Cheng 's antics . The woman was acting  like a fierce lioness whose cub was snatched by a couple of pigs , Su Wan  happily cocked an eyebrow  at the Lin brothers  who shuddered  , aye their family 's Wan Wan  had such terrible  protector .


" I understand Young miss , shall I  tell masters that your father sold you off ?" asked Madam Cheng  retracting her fierce  gaze which made the Lin brothers  sigh in relief  , Madam Cheng was naturally asking about  Su Wan's  uncles when she mentioned the word masters.

" You do that , in case my uncle end up helping someone  they shouldn't  "  Su Cheng  the precious  son of the Su family  was studying in the city and depended quite heavily on Su Wan's  second and third  uncle  but that brat still took it for granted  and bullied the previous  owner  .

" I understand and Miss case you need a home - just remember  that I'm  still here " it was both an offer and a warning to the Lin brothers  , Madam Cheng  was telling them that just  because Su Wan's  father sold  her doesn't mean  she no longer had a home , in case The Lin brothers  offended Su Wan  or made  her unhappy , She would  give Su Wan  a home and shelter  .

" Thank you so much Madam Cheng  "  Su Wan  happily  took on Madam Cheng 's offer while Lin Jing  and the  others stomped on Lin Yan 's foot together.

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