Divine Path System

961 Death Over Helplessness

The reason Fairy’s Road was treated as ‘Partially Explored’ was for this very reason.

No one had been able to clear the Red Gate. Not even the Sovereigns. Luckily, they were able to return intact despite major injuries and spread the word.

Still, many level 9s were reckless and lost their lives.

Evander wasn’t stronger than any of the Sovereigns that tried their best here. He had no chance of winning. If he’s lucky, he could return alive. If he’s unlucky, he’d die there.

He’d die without avenging his daughter and disciples.

But if he returned, then he’d continue to be a peak level 9. Powerless in the grand scheme of things and unable to deal a decisive blow to the abyssals.

If he went forward, it’d most likely be death.

If he went back, it’d be a life of helplessness.

Between death and helplessness, Evander chose death.

Watching his receding back, the Orange fairy pursed her lips and frowned, “Strange.”

This man had a strangely familiar aura. No, it’s not his aura. It’s the scent of someone else’s aura.

“I hope he can return back safely,” Orange fairy muttered. “The isolation has driven red crazy.”

Even when Julius came here, he had to return empty-handed.

The difference between Julius and Evander was more than evident. If the former couldn’t do it, the latter had no chance.

Evander headed to the final gate on the Fairy’s Road with a determined heart.

A menacing red gate that had sharp razor teeth as its door greeted him. Upon his arrival, the mouth opened and cackled like a demon.

“What the…” Evander clenched his fists and was about to reach it in a flash when heavy pressure filled the air.

Everything in his vision turned red and then turned dark.

The colorful sky, the beautiful forest, and the pristine road all disappeared and Evander found himself standing in front of a devilish red gate.

The gate suddenly lit up and Evander’s body turned taut like a bowstring.

But instead of a laser beam, a soundless, tangible wave of…something reached Evander. He tried to dodge it but failed.

The very next moment, a very strong urge to flee, almost to the point of an obsession surged in Evander’s heart. Even his body was screaming at him to turn around and return. His mind, always sharp and composed, grew dull and chaotic.

“He, Ha, Ihihi,” The Red Gate’s laughter sounded like the brittle collision of metals, and its teeth gnashed with the sound of chalk screeching against a board.

Evander’s body tensed up with goosebumps and his mind instinctively made him step back.

This was a mental attack that far surpassed anything he had seen until now. Kreo had to control his consciousness to control his body. But this red gate controlled his mind and body even while he was awake.

“D-Da..mn!” Evander could feel the power of the red gate. It wasn’t too powerful than Orange. He could smash it if he used all his strength.


“Arghh!” Evander clutched his head and screamed. Veins popped up on his forehead and his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. Every muscle contracted and every nerve in his body shook like a string on a violin.

Evander desperately wanted to run away. But Sarah’s face kept flashing in his mind.

“S-Sar..a…” Tears rolled down Evander’s cheeks as he once again faced the fact that his daughter died.

The little girl just became an adult. She didn’t even get to enjoy life. She fell in love with a guy and gave up her life for him.

“Stu..pid..g..arl…” Blood leaked out of Evander’s mouth as he stared at the

menacing red gate with a determined smile.

The fear was still there in his heart. His body still wanted him to escape. But Evander decided.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

Today, he’d either succeed or die trying.

“Aaaa!” Evander roared from the bottom of his lungs and stepped forward in that horrifying pressure.

The veins in his forehead instantly burst apart and his legs bent down in strange angles as the cracks of bones breaking rang.

Evander’s healing kicked into play and after a few minutes, he took another step.

The red gate’s laughter grew louder and it didn’t even bother to use the lasers against him. Its scary lips and sharp teeth turned into a mocking smile and the pressure over Evander suddenly rose.

As Evander was taking another step, he collapsed onto his knees and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His entire body was compressed by an invisible force that pressed him from all directions. His mind continuously played his imaginations of Sarah’s death.

With every second, his body and mind were growing weaker and urged at him to run away from this scary place.

Under this terrible pressure, the only thing that kept Evander going was his own will to avenge Sarah and his healing power.

He tried getting onto his feet once again but collapsed midway. Gritting his teeth, he crawled forward.

With each movement, his body convulsed and pain from every corner of his being struck his head, nearly paralyzing him.

In the endless darkness, he crawled to the red gate.

The red fairy standing behind the gate observed him with cold eyes, “Weak, weak, weak!”

She clenched her tiny fist and yelled, “Get up! Be strong! Why are you crawling? You think can win like this? Pathetic! You lose!”

Once Evander crossed the threshold and was only a hundred meters away from the gate, the red light intensified and five laser beams began to charge.


Sensing the danger, Evander pulled all his strength to barely get back onto his feet. But he staggered and almost fell.

He couldn’t even stand properly and began to stagger forward as if he was walking with jelly feet.

With another maniacal laughter, the gate shot five laser beams.

Evander immediately bent down and sidestepped, dodging four lasers. The fifth burnt a fist-sized hole in his right shoulder.

“Ihi, aha, heha!” Following another burst of laughter, five more lasers reached him.

This time, a fist-sized hole burnt in Evander’s left shoulder.

For the next ten minutes, Evander protected his vitals but ended up getting hit by at least one or more laser beams every time.

As a result, his injuries piled up at a far faster rate than his healing could keep up with and he was shot into a sieve.

Evander was about to reach his limit. Just one more attack and he’d collapse.

And the saddest part about this was that he didn’t even advance an inch during this whole time. He did go forward sometimes, but he was quickly blasted back. After all, the closer he was to the gate, the fiercer the attacks.

p-n0ve1、com The hundred-meter distance seemed short but it was an uncrossable gulf.

“Eh, aha, hihi,”

Evander’s body tensed up and he stared at the five beams that were charging.

‘Is this it?’

Yes, he could barely move his body one more time. And then he’d collapse. It’s over. This is it. This is how he’d die.

Evander pushed the final bits of his strength into his legs and stared at the lasers with a mad gaze.


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