Divine Path System

Chapter 92 - Sneak In

Chapter 92 - Sneak In

The golden apes were cautious and spread their elemental sense. There was no other creature in the surrounding.



Then they rushed to their injured comrade and were taken aback by its injury.

The injured one had a large cut across its chest, with pieces of flesh strewn all around. Its golden blood was gushing out, and the only reason they considered it to be still alive was the faint breath.

They hurriedly picked it up and rushed towards the golden mountain.

To their horror, even its aura was nearly non-existent.



The already weak breath was turning even weaker, and the apes hurried.

As they approached the entrance to the cave, Varian, in disguise of the injured ape, controlled his breath and confirmed again.

'System, they'll really not detect my aura, right?'

[No. 'He's severely injured and all his aura is exhausted'. That is a likely conclusion.]

'I'll trust you on this one.' Varian kept up his act and restrained his movements.



The two apes yelled and the level 3 apes guarding the cave glanced at the injured ape.

'Don't use Elemental sense. Don't use.' Varian was ready to escape.

Elemental sense was similar to space sense—it was a skill of Elementalists.

Thunder Awakeners, for instance, sense the thunder elemental mana in the air and use it to observe the world around them.

Water Awakeners use their Water sense to be connected to water mana and, through it, observe their surroundings.

'Don't use...' Varian held his breath.

If they did use Thunder sense on him, then they'd realize he had no Thunder Mana in his body.

His disguise would be busted before he even entered.

The guardian apes glanced at the injured ape and their thunder sense swept across Varian for a moment.

Varian was ready to make a run. But they nodded and picked him up without commotion.

'Huh? I felt they used it.' Varian was confused.

[They just glanced at the surface, host. They didn't go deeper.] System unexpectedly replied.

'They sensed my aura to be absent and decided I was severely injured.' Varian clicked his tongue.

[This System is impressed that you are not an idiot who only knows fighting.]

'You are the idiot.' Varian retorted.



The 8 feet tall golden ape carried him on its back and entered the cave.

Varian's eyes widened at the sight.

It was a very wide cave. There were at least a dozen golden apes. None was shorter than 8 feet. There was even a 9 feet ape, which despite being seated, was as tall as him.

'Finally…' Varian carefully controlled his breath and carefully poured of the golden blood of the ape from his space ring.

To the outsiders, the golden blood was dripping from the wound on his chest. But they didn't know there was another person under the skin.

Varian was brought to a place away from the meditating oldies. He was placed next to a small plant that exuded a soft green light.

The green light slowly blended into his body and healed the cut skin he was using.

He peeked around and saw a few more injured apes next to similar plants.

'My goal—' He glanced around and saw the walls.

The walls! They were embedded with aura crystals!

'If I can get everything…. I—' Varian's thoughts spun around, but instead of rushing things, he waited patiently.

He observed the other apes and concluded how much 'healing' should he perform to not attract attention.

This meant healing neither too quick nor too late.


A few hours passed and Varian decreased the amount of golden blood he spewed out from his 'wound'.

An ape came in every hour and checked the injured's conditions. His condition got 'better' at a normal rate and he did not attract attention.

'It's time… go.' Varian's fake injury was almost healed.

He knew in an hour or two, a guardian ape would come and take the healed ones out after a thorough inspection.

A few injured apes were healed and taken out already. Meanwhile, a few more were brought in.

'Come on!' Varian urged.

Once Varian was inspected thoroughly, his disguise would be exposed.

'It's almost here.' Varian calculated the time and—



There was a huge commotion on the mountain.

Just like yesterday, the hunting groups returned. They carried their prize onto the mountain.

'Finally, it's feast time.' Varian's eyes lit up, and he waited.

Just like yesterday, as the cheers rose, the Level 3 Thunder Apes in the cave also moved out.

Level 3s would still have to eat.

From his observation the other day, he concluded food wasn't taken into the cave. So everyone in the cave would come out.

The worst case was them coming out batch by batch, but after inspection, that was not the case.


Varian glanced at the only Level 3 ape still in the cave. It was meditating near the small lake.

That small lake was the one the tunnel under the river led to. It was likely guarding against intruders from water.

'One or a few level 3 Apes guarding the cave at feast. This is the second worst. But—'



The cheers continued to rise, and Varian moved.

He slowly stood up and tiptoed toward the lake. With his breath restrained and his aura hidden, he didn't disturb the meditating ape.

Since the cave was large, and the guards were facing outward, they didn't notice his movements either.

Varian cautiously approached the meditating ape. It was a strong Level 3.

Lightning coiled around its body and zapped. It would've been revered as a supernatural being on Old Earth, but now it was his prey.

The old ape was immersed in meditation and, due to his stealth, didn't notice his arrival.

Varian sensed its immense aura level. A late Level 3.

'It's stronger than me. I can't take a frontal fight.' He slowly approached it.

But he didn't need to fight head on.


There was just one problem.

The lightning coiling around the ape also served as a barrier.

'I need to kill him silently.'

Varian glanced at the aura crystals all over the cave and at the guardians in the distance.

Everything was set.

'I have only one chance.' The apes would be way more wary the next time.

He silently equipped the black gauntlets and reached behind the old ape.

Varian raised his hand to one shot.

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