Divine Path System

Chapter 680 Meeting

Chapter 680 Meeting

"…Didn't you say you wanted a complete vacation?" Seth titled his head in confusion.

Before he began his vacation, Varian briefed them about his situation and informed them that he'd like to be as less disturbed as possible.

"We don't want to disturb you. Leave this to us old men. Enjoy your holiday. You really need it." Gareth nodded strongly.

Blue Flash opened her mouth, but in the end, she too simply sighed and nodded.

Varian had gone through too much. She could understand if he was an adult, but he was the same age as her son. It was too taxing.

Anna, however, mumbled. "When you said you didn't want us to be with you, I thought you wanted some privacy with Sarah…who knew you went ahead and even brought in another girl. Varian, you have really grown up."

On the other hand, Richard had something serious to say. "If it's not your vacation, I'd have asked you to deal with her already. But to be fair, I don't like taking care of his daughter. She screams master's name all day and I'm reminded of him. It's depressing." Richard's shoulders dropped in desolation.

Anna nodded with a pitiful look on her face.

A level 8 Butler and a level 9 maid were assigned to take care of a mentally challenged girl.

If it was anyone else, they'd have refused it straight away. But it was Sovereign Kreo's daughter.

Evander sent her address and details to Varian and let him decide her fate. Varian did nothing and actually let them take care of her.

Now that Sovereign Kreo's people were searching every corner of the federation, they couldn't quit midway.

Hearing the opinions of all the parties, Varian shrugged lightly.

"I'm not going to do anything. I just want to keep myself updated. Based on the situation, the length of vacation will vary."

"Well," Seth looked at Gareth for a second before giving Varian a wry smile. "After your identity was leaked, the top brass in the Guardians are questioning your role."

Varian propped his chin on his hand and raised an eyebrow as he gave a cold smile. "My role? I don't remember having any."

"Even if you aren't commanding any part of the guardians' forces, you hold a lot of influence. Your legends of Valos and Pluto have already spread." Seth rubbed his bald head and said with a complicated gaze.

The legend that many shadow guardians wished to see, the real legend, was sitting in front of him.

"…How did those stories spread? I didn't highlight my role in Valos or Pluto." Varian asked in doubt.

"Enigma." It was Blue Flash who answered. She looked annoyed for some reason. "She spread your heroic deeds in a speech. It's also the longest speech she has ever given. So, yeah."

Varian's calm expression threatened to break hearing her name, but he controlled himself and turned to Seth. "So these powerful people in guardians, the level 9s have a problem with me?"

"Not really a problem but…"

"They don't want an 18-year-old to lead them, huh?"

Seth closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes. They said they don't want to risk the organization's future based on the…whims of a teenager."

"Pfft. Hahahaha." Varian clutched his stomach and burst into laughter. "This is the funniest thing I heard today. The guys who can't even trust their own leader and got her almost killed don't want ME, the one saved their asses to not involve myself?"

Seth's face stiffened while Gareth shrugged.

"If I didn't kidnap Thomas, he'd have continued producing the device that detected the secret realms of guardians and once the location is out, they can't stop the army. That's how the Earth's branch was destroyed. Do they even know this?"

"They do."

"Then is their memory shorter than a goldfish?" Varian snorted. "I don't trust the shadow guardians' management to make any clever decisions.

They nearly killed Enigma last time. They couldn't even find out the truth about Valos. But don't worry, unless I deem it necessary, I won't interfere in their great ambitions. In a few months, I won't even need them."

At his words, Blue Flash sighed while Richard and Anna listened with curious expressions.

Gareth slammed the table and beamed. "Exactly! Most of them are good, but there are always a few rotten who spoilt the bunch. Why they can't see you as an ally is beyond me."

Seth shook his head. "While I agree with everything he said, if I just relay his words to them, they will take this as a threat. It'll be problematic."

"Threat?" Varian grinned. "That's not a threat."

Seth looked up at him in confusion, and so did others.

"The real threat is I can find any of their secret realms, enter it without hindrance, find them, follow them and send their location to enemies that would be more than happy to kill them." Varian gave a chilling smile.

"I don't have the power to do it myself yet, but I sure as hell can still kill them as I please."


The temperature of the room dropped as everyone looked at Varian in surprise.

It was only for a moment but they all felt a chill down their spines.

"Haha. Chill out. I'm on a vacation. I'm just chilling now." Varian gave them a soothing smile.

No one chilled out. Instead, their backs turned straighter.

Even Blue Flash who had seen him just two weeks ago felt like he changed a lot, not to speak of others.

"About Kreo, he'll continue to keep searching. I'll be assured only if you two are there to keep her hidden." Varian smiled at Anna and Richard, who nodded tiredly.

"What do you plan to do with her?"

"Heh." Varian's lips curled up. "I don't want to do anything to her. I won't even touch her hair."

"Huh?" Anna and Richard were confused.

"But." Varian's eyes shone with a cold glint. "I'll make Kreo suffer. I'll make him wish he died."

"Gulp." The people in the room all gulped their saliva.

Even Gareth, the most carefree of them all, rubbed his eyes and looked at Varian in confusion.

'And Seth says Varian is bullied at school. Who the fuck in their right mind bullies this guy?'

"And anymore?" Varian asked.

Anna and Richard shook their heads. So did Gareth and Seth.

Varian's gaze shifted to Blue Flash who stayed mostly silent for the meeting.

She looked at him with a sharp gaze and said. "Enigma."


"I am the vice head of Athena's earth branch, I have a lot of secret intel. But only Enigma can use it properly and remove the threats.

The current situation brewing on Earth's planetoids is a prime example! If she can act, the situation won't worsen this fast!"

'Earth's planetoid situation, huh.' Varian didn't want to enter this mess. Even though the situation seemed bad, it wasn't terrible or Blue Flash wouldn't be this calm.

"When is she returning?" Blue Flash asked.

Varian's eyes narrowed.

According to Sia, only one of the three could be 'awake' at any point.

If Enigma came out, then Sia would be gone. Even though Varian forged a good relationship with Engima, he'd always want Sia awake.


Enigma was her own person. Even though he'd prefer to spend time with Sia, she was someone he couldn't avoid.

"After the vacation," Varian answered slowly.

Blue Flash nodded.

The holograms turned into pieces and Varian was back in the mansion again.

The seriousness on his face was instantly replaced by a bright smile as he asked Sia and Sarah. "There's a festival today, wanna go?"

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