My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1077: Breaking the Laws of Reality

Chapter 1077: Breaking the Laws of Reality

Nightingale, Royal Castle of Vlad Dracul Tepes, The King of Vampires.

How long has it been?... How long has it been since I felt so helpless?

Ahh, I remember, it was about 6 thousand years ago when I was 'born'. At that Time, I didn't know what kind of Powers I had, and because of that, I was in constant danger because of the other Supernatural Beings.

But that feeling of helplessness is not the same as the one I'm feeling now... Oh, I remember now. That feeling was the same as the one I felt when he died, The First Alioth, my old friend.

"... And now his descendant is dying, and I can't do anything." He sighed lightly.

"Your Majesty."

I raised my hand in a gesture for my Royal Guard to come to the ready, the Royal Guard, who was also one of my Shadows, trained Vampires who were my eyes and ears in Nightingale.

"What is his condition?" Even though I already know the answer to this question, I still ask it. Who knows? Maybe he will give me a different answer.

Instead of getting the answer I had anticipated, my subordinate's silence was what I received.

I turn to face my subordinate and ask: "What happened?"

"... The Emperor's forces have removed everyone from Lord Alexios' influence."

A feeling of panic took over me for a few seconds, but it was quickly controlled when I remembered that The Emperor would not do anything to Alexios. After all, he was part of his 'Family'.

Turning my face, I focused my attention on my friend's resting area, and even with my senses, I could not feel anything there.

Deciding to get closer, I disappeared from the hallway where I was and tried to appear in Alexios' room, but instead, I appeared at the door of the room.

And for a simple guard to block him was something very shocking. He would understand if they were real Dragons since each of them were monsters in their own right, but a simple guard who wasn't even a real Dragon? Had he become that weak?

And what I was faced with were two 4-meter tall Beings wearing full armor. With just one look at the guards' features, I realized that they were Dragons... Not real Dragons, but something close to it.

"Your Majesty, visits to Lord Alexios are revoked." The deep voice of the man in front of him was heard.

"You blocked me...?" Instead of being worried, he was genuinely shocked. It may not seem like it because everyone around The Emperor was abnormal, but he was one of the most powerful Beings in the Supernatural World.

And for a simple guard to block him was something very shocking. He would understand if they were real Dragons since each of them were monsters in their own right, but a simple guard who wasn't even a real Dragon? Had he become that weak?

"That's right."

Wrong... He was not weak. With a calmer assessment, Vlad deduced that he could defeat the two guards in front of him... With some difficulty. He would need to get a little serious for that to happen.

... The mere fact that he had to take it a little seriously to defeat a simple guard spoke volumes about the irrationality of this situation.

"Who are you? You're some Commander of The Emperor."

"I dare not call myself a Commander. I'm just a simple guard who serves The Emperor."

"... A simple guard? Both of you?"

"That's right."

"You know you have the strength to defeat a High-Level God, right?"

"It shames me that that is the extent of my ability."

'You're ashamed…?' Vlad blinked twice in disbelief at the absurdity he was hearing.

When Vlad was about to open his mouth again, he turned to face the hallway, and what appeared in his vision was a battalion of 4 meter tall Beings that had the same black armor with violet hues as the guard in front of him.

'Just when did they appear? Why didn't I feel anything?' The Vampire King's senses were no joke, but even so, these Beings were not picked up by him.

'Is this the work of one of the Gods? Nyx perhaps? Or is someone distorting Reality?' Vlad was getting a slap in the face from reality now… The reality that The Emperor's forces were at a level he didn't think they had.

'Just when did the disparity in strength grow so much?' Vlad genuinely asked this question.

Vlad's concern was valid, after all, from his perspective, not much Time had passed, and The Emperor's forces had already reached such levels.

'Each of these Beings can face a High-Level God… This is ridiculous.' With just one glance, Vlad counted 30 Beings, and if these Beings attacked him, he would need to be completely serious to face them, and the worst part of this was that he would be at a disadvantage since he didn't know the capabilities of these soldiers.

"What is this? Why are you invading my castle? I haven't heard anything from The Emperor." Vlad narrowed his eyes and exerted his Power. He would not be disrespected in his own castle.

"We apologize, Your Majesty." The man spoke, but just like the previous guard, they showed no respect whatsoever. Their words said they were sorry, but their words did not match their actions.

Vlad knew this feeling very well. The 'respect' they were giving was the bare minimum, probably something The Emperor himself asked them to do, and if it weren't for that, they wouldn't even have shown any kind of respect.

Vlad had dealt with enough fanatics to know this. After all, he himself had his own fanatics who did the same thing... He just didn't expect that he would experience it personally and that he couldn't do anything about it.

Fight here? He was not crazy enough for that. After all, he could defeat these soldiers, but could he defeat The Empire? Could he defeat Victor?

The answer was No, he couldn't.

"His Imperial Majesty's orders were to ensure the security of the entire perimeter. We are just doing our job, but don't worry, no harm will be done to the Royal Family. Orders given by The Emperor himself."

"...Perimeter?" Vlad repeated those words like a parrot, and immediately used his Powers to the maximum, and expanded his senses.

And only when he used his true strength did he realize that the entire Royal Castle was completely surrounded by these Beings.

"...This is ridiculous... How is this possible? How can there be more than 250 Beings like you?" This time, Vlad couldn't hold back his disbelief.

250 Beings who could fight against High-Level Gods, what kind of nonsense was this? Was he having a nightmare? And to make matters worse, they all had exactly the same strength... It was as if they were artificially created...

'Artificially created like Angels... He created these Beings with his Divinity? But how is this possible? Not even the Heavenly Father can easily create Beings of such High Rank. There is a reason why the number of Seraphims is limited.'

Misunderstanding Vlad's question, the Imperial soldier who was speaking to Vlad replied. "That is incorrect, Your Majesty. Currently, there are 25,000 Imperial Soldiers spread throughout Nightingale, making up the security perimeter."

"…25,000 soldiers…" Vlad did not doubt the soldier's words, but he did not trust them completely, so he decided to check it out himself.

A red aura spread across his body.

The soldiers nearby quickly reacted by putting their hands on their waists and drawing their swords, but before they could draw them completely, the soldier who was speaking to Vlad raised his hand in a stop signal.

Even though he was not a commander, he was still the highest-ranking officer in this area, so he held the authority to give small orders that did not go against The Emperor's original orders.

Depending on the situation, he would deem it necessary to ask orders from the operators who were watching everything that was happening now.

Vlad's aura exploded and covered the entire Nightingale like a radar. Vlad felt several signatures of powerful Beings with the same damn level as these simple soldiers in front of him.

'... I could only count 21,246 soldiers... Where are the others? Did they ignore my senses?'

"What's with the commotion, Soldiers?"

The soldiers quickly assumed a line, placed their gigantic swords that, in their hands, looked like normal swords on the ground, and shouted in unison:

"Supreme General."

When the swords hit the ground, the blades lit up with a Violet Fire.

Vlad turned his head and looked at Scathach Scarlett, who was wearing Imperial Armor, a suit of armor completely bathed in a deep and vibrant red. The armor was adorned with golden details that traced complex and symbolic patterns all over the body. Each of these patterns had small unknown Runes written in it. Clearly, this armor was made especially for Scathach.

The cape that stretched behind Scathach was an equally intense red, flowing and billowing dramatically with every movement she made. The cape, besides being a regal accessory, also served as extra protection. It could not be grabbed because it was technically made of Hellfire. Ruby's lessons about how dangerous 'capes' were had been taken seriously, so the capes of the Wives were made of Elements that could be molded at will.

Despite her height of 3 meters, which was shorter than her soldiers, no one here would disrespect her; they were not crazy.

"Ah... It's you, Old Man." Seeing Vlad's state, she didn't need to ask her subordinates what happened anymore and completely understood the situation.

"What's going on, Scathach?"

"It's Supreme General to you, Your Majesty. Despite being from a Kingdom allied with The Empire, my rank is higher than yours." Scathach's eyes shone slightly as Reality rippled for a few seconds, causing immense discomfort in Vlad.

'Why did you call me Old Man then? This woman is still as irrational as ever!'

Vlad understood the message. She was here on official business and not as his acquaintance. With years of politics in his bones, he quickly adapted to the situation.

"I wonder, what's going on, Supreme General? Why have The Empire's forces been mobilized?" Vlad's eyes shone slightly in annoyance: "And why haven't I heard anything?"

Scathach smiled slightly and nodded, satisfied for several reasons. It was always good to tease this old man, but she was feeling petty today because she missed so much 'action' due to the Soldiers' training.

Instead of answering Vlad, she ordered the soldiers who were not standing guard at the door: "Continue the patrol, and inform me if anything happens."

"Yes!" The soldiers put their swords back on their belts and returned to patrol the corridors.

"Follow me, Your Majesty." She turned towards the door.

The guards at the door quickly opened the door for her to enter, and as soon as Vlad and Scathach entered the room, they closed the door behind them, and it returned to their original position.

As he entered the room, the sight of Alexios floating in the air in a blue cocoon was seen.

"What is this?"

"Don't lose your temper, Vlad," Scathach spoke as she continued to walk. "Do you truly believe Victor would do anything harmful to his Wife's Family?"


"To answer your question, what you are seeing now is a Time Cocoon."

"... Time Cocoon...?" Vlad had never heard such a term before.

"Don't ask me, I don't know the details either. This is an ability of my Sister, Natalia Elderblood née Alioth."

Vlad was silent for a few seconds as he assessed what he was seeing. Focusing his eyes on his friend, who was floating in the air completely naked, he noticed a few things.

"His vitality is returning... As is his former appearance... Is this cocoon making him go back in Time?"

"Doesn't this go against all the Laws of Causality?"

"What are the Laws of Causality to someone who can bend Reality itself?" Scathach snorted.

Vlad shook his head. "Time doesn't work like that... Time is like a stone-..." He thought about his words better and explained: "Time is like a river. No matter if you isolate a part of that river to try to divert it, in the end, it will always return to its normal current."

"Going back in Time won't help Alexios." Vlad shook his head in denial. "It will only delay the inevitable."

"What you said is correct, Vlad."

Scathach and Vlad looked towards the voice and saw Victor at 5 meters tall and Natalia at 4 and a half meters tall.

Scathach pouted slightly when she saw the pair and controlled her body to increase her height and become the same size as Natalia.

Natalia, who was wearing a pure white dress, spread her Dragon Wings and looked at her father, her Draconic Eyes replaced by eyes composed of several galaxies. "You can't hold back a moving current… But that's not entirely the case for an Alioth."

"We are special. Our eyes allow us to break some Rules. Because I am so connected to Time and Space, I can venture through my father's Time and isolate a moment in Time where he was healthy."

"By doing so, I can bring his healthy self to this 'present' and bend Reality so that his condition remains."

"… That is…" Vlad swallowed hard. Natalia was talking about the work of the Primordials.

She was trying to create a singularity in which the 'healthy' Alexios would exist in the 'present' where he was not healthy due to suffering the consequences of his Powers… Even if that were possible-

"The amount of Energy to accomplish such a feat is… immeasurable."

"We are Dragon Gods and True Dragons, Vlad," Victor spoke in his heavy, deep voice. "A single one of our hearts can sustain an entire planet."

"The amount of Energy required to break some Laws of Reality will never be a problem."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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