Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

871 Clash of Dao (VI)

“…Creation Dao,” muttered Wang Wei after sensing Di Tian’s aura. Immediately, he knew what the latter did. He used his Past Buddha Self to summon his past self’ imprint from the River of Time.

Then, with his power of Samsara, he acquired all the cultivation or comprehension before he died in his first life. Wang Wei could deduce that Di Tian’s Law Altar had changed, manifesting the laws of Creation.

Normally, his actions would be playing with fire. But now, it’s more like a gamble,’ commented Wang Wei. Normally, Di Tian would never be able to do such a thing since Heavenly Dao would immediately punish him, even going to extreme lengths to annihilate him.

However, he did not have to worry about such a thing during the Heaven Will Battle. After all, no matter the situation, Heavenly Dao cannot easily intervene in the battle. As such, Di Tian can break the rules to an extent.

As for the aftermath or the consequences of his actions? If he wins, he will be one of the most powerful Eternal Emperors the world has ever seen. So he can ignore the threat of Heavenly Dao. On the contrary, it’s the latter who has to worry about him.

As for True Heavenly Dao’s response to the situation? As long as Di Tian does not keep his Creation Dao and is only temporary, he might only suffer some back luck for his actions after ascending. Or, True Heavenly Dao might ignore him completely–especially given its current state.

In conclusion, Di Tian’s actions are a calculated risk. If he loses the battle, he will die and only has to worry about Heavenly Dao’s possible revenge in his next life. However, he has been dealing with Heavenly Dao’s scheming for as long as he was alive, so it did not matter to him.

He acquired an Innate Emperor Soul in this life, granting him a few more reincarnation possibilities before his soul reached the limit. So, he has more ways to deal with possible variables during his reincarnation.

Di Tian clenched his fists as he sensed the new power coursing through his veins; this power was so nostalgic and addictive.

‘Things didn’t go exactly as planned, but it’s better than expected,’ thought Di Tian. His plan was to summon his entire body and fuse it with his body, trying to sublimate his Ten Supremacy Foundation to an even higher level.

However, he failed and had to accept only summoning the imprint and accessing the Dao from his first life.

Di Tian finally looked at Wang Wei with fighting intent. In the previous battle, he realized his shortcomings. To be exact, he realized a fundamental truth of Heaven and Earth–some Daos are more powerful than others.

He was so overwhelmed during the confrontation because Wang Wei’s Fate Supreme Outlaw Dao outclassed his Reincarnation Dao. The latter’s Dao was more potent and had more versatility.

‘More importantly, I realized why people need to pass a trial to wield the Outlaw Daos,’ thought Di Tian with hidden unwillingness. Wang Wei’s techniques were complex and ingenious; he suffered tremendously because he had to take time to understand these techniques and find counter methods.

He knew how much more he would have suffered in this battle if it were not for his Bodhi Tree.

‘Meanwhile, my techniques are more rudimentary and less complex.’

After comparing their applications of Dao, Di Tian felt a little ashamed. After living for so long, he has long understood that he should not compare to the unreasonable monster-like geniuses like Sword Empress, Empress Wu, and Wang Wei.

His ability to compete with these monsters is his long life and deep foundation. So, he calmed down and reigned in his mind.

[Flame of Annihilation]

With a wave of his hand, Di Tian created a purple flame that combined Flame and Destruction Dao. And as soon as the flame appeared, it melted all the metals and ores in this dimension.

After a few seconds of its appearance, the laws of this dimension that favored Metal were forcibly changed to favor Flame, Creation, and Destruction Dao.


He felt if he could catch it, he would break through his current bottleneck and make up for his imperfection. Sadly, the inspiration was only fleeing, and even with his superior mind, he did not catch it.

‘Calm down, and don’t worry,’ Wang Wei reassured himself. Although he had a feeling this imperfection might be the key to this battle, he knew that worrying and hurrying were counterproductive to success.

As the purple flame rushed to him, Wang Wei waved his hand to create the same flame. The Dusk Emperor gave him his scripture, so he knew a great deal about Destruction Dao.

Annihilation is only a state of complete destruction, but it does not escape the concept of Destruction Dao, and it’s not some transcended or better version of Destruction.

[Disks of Eradication]

Dozens of purple disks manifested before Di Tian, each releasing a terrifying power.

‘Eradication,’ thought Wang Wei, who instantly realized the core of the technique. ‘A more focused form of destruction.’

He immediately realized the purpose of each of these disks. One disk wished to eradicate his body, the other his soul, then his Dao, mind, spirit, memories, intelligence, and even karma.

‘There is a reason the Five Supreme Outlaw Daos reign supreme,’ he calmly commented. Di Tian used Creation Dao to control Destruction Dao, and this should not be his limit.

‘In terms of versatility and ability to control all 3000 Daos and 800 Side Doors, Creation Dao has a tremendous advantage,’ he analyzed calmly as a Yin-Yang Symbol appeared behind him before entering his body.

The universe is a process of Yin and Yang, and everything must remain balanced, forming a cycle. So, after destruction, there must be creation.


The disk hit Wang Wei’s body, but he was intact. Whenever the disks eradicate something, his body naturally uses the opposite concept to ensure balance.

Wang Wei has to admit that Yin-Yang Dao was his favorite. He would have chosen it as his main Dao if he had not walked the Path of Fate. If he were Grand Dao and created the Chaos Universe, he would have made Yin-Yang Dao one of the Supreme Outlaws.

Di Tian was not surprised his technique was not as successful as he wished; he knew this battle would not be easy, but he was at ease. His Creation Dao allowed him to level the playing field to a certain extent.

Furthermore, he discovered he could do much more with his Creation Dao, and now he had the Ten Supremacy Foundation. Many of his previous restrictions, incapabilities, and limits were gone.

His power of Creation seemed limitless.

‘Calm down; don’t let this power go to your head,’ he reminded himself.

[Primordial Chaos]

With a single thought, Di Tian created a piece of Primordial Chaos. However, he soon discovered such an act would take too much of a toll on himself. So, he swallowed the Metal Dimension as material for his creation.

Wang Wei found himself in a dark purple environment. Everything around seemed ancient, noble, and infinite. Additionally, a terrifying power was rapidly annihilating and assimilating his body.

He protected himself with a shield, even boosting its power with his True Will. However, such an act did almost nothing, reducing the speed of his assimilation by a small margin.

“The fate of primordial chaos is to change from nothingness to existence, filled its infiniteness with finite creation, like worlds, creatures, and life.”

As Wang Wei uttered these words, the River of Fate manifested above the Primordial Chaos. Then, its strings vibrated, rapidly molding this piece of Primordial Chaos.

A world capable of existing and sustaining life appeared in Di Tian’s Primordial Chaos, and Wang Wei floated inside, perfectly intact.

Di Tian squinted his eyes, pondering only for a moment:

“All worlds, creatures, and life existing in Primordial Chaos must experience the changes of Yin and Yang, the process of birth, aging, and destruction–they must experience Samsara.”

As he said these words, Wang Wei’s vast world that can exist in Primordial Chaos suddenly manifested the Path of Reincarnation. Then, it ages rapidly, reaching the stage where it will die, putting Wang Wei in danger again.

“Man will conquer nature,” said Wang Wei. “No life will accept their fate of destruction and will fight to their last breath for survival.”

As he said these words, the dying world birthed creatures. And those creatures studied Heaven and Earth, trying to prevent the death or destruction of their world.

Their attempts appeared futile, but they served the purpose of their creation or existence–delaying the death of this world and buying enough time for Wang Wei.

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