Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 113: A black hand fan for the boss

Chapter 113: A black hand fan for the boss

She quickly returned to her drawing table and couldn’t wait to complete this next piece of work that was intended for the boss.

“I apologize to keep you all waiting~”

“I am going to resume now. You all have guessed for a while but none of you guessed correctly.”

Gu Shishi calmed herself from her earlier excited state and picked up the wooden sticks on the table.

“What I am going to make today is a hand fan.”

This new gift for the boss would be perfect as a return for all the scented oil that he had gifted her.

Gifting should be back and forth. That way, more would come in the future.

Having said that, Gu Shishi happily sat down in front of her table.

[Eh? Channel Master is making a hand fan today? Is the objective to draw the mount of the fan herself?]

[A black hand fan? The paper is all black~]

[This already feels amazing. But, Channel Master, tell us first if you are a Second Generation Rich?!]

As she had already set up her cellphone earlier, Gu Shishi did not look at the screen again and was oblivious to all the ruckus inside her channel.

All the craziness and aggressiveness within the channel earlier was now calmed by her gentle and calm voice.

All the audience members who were yelling at King of the Hill earlier had now turned their attention to Gu Shishi instead.

Gu Shishi played around with the wooden sticks for a little bit and was able to smell a faint scent of wood.

As she did not look at the screen, she wouldn’t be able to reply to the inquiries as well.

“I bought both the ribs and the mount of the fan online. I plan to hand paint the mount before I assemble them together. If you are interested in it, you can try to DIY as well.”

Having said that, she picked a brush with soft hair from her rack, added some water into the ink stone, and mixed in some gold powder.

The water and the gold powder quickly blended together and the tip of the brush was quickly turned into a bright gold color.

The fan ribs that she had chosen were made out of Rhapis excelsa, each rib had been cut very thin. The paper for the mount was pure black, mainly to match the boss’s taste.

He usually wore mostly black clothes, with the exception of grey or brown to go with his black.

Gu Shishi figured she’d make a black fan just to be on the safe side.

[Black background with gold paint? Kinda gaudy?]

[Man, that color combination. Why do I feel a thick sense of a parvenu? A little on the rich side, won’t you say?]

The text screen has gotten even livelier.

She brainstormed a little for what kind of a drawing that she wanted before she picked up her pen and dipped and soaked it in the gold ink.

While she took a deep breath, she switched to her beginning-level Living in Painting skill.

A second later, she closed her eyes and had entered the world of the painting.

She could hear the rustling sound of leaves and feel the fierce wind roughing up her hair.

That very moment, in her brain, she unwittingly recalled the man who sat in the study like an island all by itself.

The silhouette in the dark was so cold and lonely that just that one glance made it difficult for her to breath…

And right now, it seemed as though her body had followed that dark silhouette. Surrounded by the bone-chilling coldness, she floated into the dark and bottomless pit.

There was no way out, nor was there even a hint of light!

When she was just about to struggle in pain, she could detect a very light scent of bamboo…

The bamboo scent was so light and mixed in with the smell of the earth, made the endless darkness that had enveloped her dissipated in a heartbeat.

She reached out her hand in the dark and suddenly touched leaves that were sharp like blades.

The pain from her finger being cut made her shudder!

She squinted, looked, and saw a bamboo plant some distance from her that grew all the way up into the sky!

After the wind and rain storm, there seemed to be a hint of light at the end of the dark sky. Piercing through the thick cloud, the light shed on the wavering leaves and coated it a dazzling gold color…

Gu Shishi was enlightened all of a sudden.

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