Bigshot Gets Loved By All After Transmigrating Into A Book

Chapter 678 - : He Would Never Be Able to Win Her Heart in This Lifetime

Chapter 678: He Would Never Be Able to Win Her Heart in This Lifetime

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

His mother had passed away early. The same went for his father. He did not know what it meant to have a warm family, but it felt like Jiang Yu’s adoptive parents had given them a second home.

The brothers did not tell anyone, but they all thought the same thing. Otherwise, they would not have gone to the An family to pay a new year’s visit.

Jiang Yu tumed to the side. “I have nothing more left to say. Second Brother, let’s go.”

Jiang Jingnian said angrily, “Indeed, there’s nothing left to say. Let’s go!”

Jian Hanshen’s silence meant that he had tacitly agreed.

Moreover, Jiang Jingnian naturally trusted his little sister’s judgment.

The two of them left.

On the spot, Jian Hanshen lowered his head.

His tightly clenched fists slowly loosened, and there was not a trace of light in his eyes.

If he was given another chance…

He would still help Lu Yuan when she had sought him out.

It was a promise that had been made by his father and he would definitely keep it.

But what if he had got to know Jiang Yu first? Would he still do it?

Jian Hanshen was actually unable to answer right away.

But so what?

this, wereifs world. already of wasinthisThere he Becauseexcludedjiang by

He would never be able to win her heart in this lifetime.

instituteleft JiangJiangand __ thecar. YuandgotJingnian the research into

Jiang Jingnian drove. Not long after, he asked, “What are you going to do? Do you need my help?”

Jiang Yu refused, “There’s no need. I can handle it myself.”

unhappily,embarrassedJingnian the didn’t saidCEO, ato himhe’sforbigdid Jiang He’s one yetall.expect!’m’I whoembarrassed itnot_at be him!”

Jiang Yu said, “He was only following Lu Yuan’s request. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had any reason to frame my father.”

“So, are we just going to let it go?”

“Of not.”course

Jiang Jingnian was still frustrated, “That woman, Lu Yuan… She’s so young yet she’s so evil. As expected, like mother, like daughter! I feel disgusted when I think about how the Jiang family raised such a daughter!”

Jiang Yu did not respond.

hasjiang — wereyou bullied?”with”l_heard Itshe her. Jiang beenwasJingnianJiang found,youwhoAfterthat were fellow, livingcontinued,Chenglang. thatChenglangraised

Jiang Yu: “I’m fine.”

“Jiang Chenglang, that blockhead…” Jiang Jingnian mumbled, “If something didn’t happen, he probably wouldn’t have moved out of the old house with you.

immatureoldwas apart.was at that In wereandmanwasabout whyfell young thinkit,here, cruel thatblamed other.” each IThat’swe us”When weithe quiteto brothers.we fact,stillnowthatbecause so time

Jiang Yu suddenly said, “He took me out of that house once he found out that Lu Yuan was an illegitimate daughter.”

Jiang Jingnian was stunned for a moment, then he burst into laughter.

“Is so…”that

“It’s really his style.”

Jiang Jingnian turned the steering wheel and turned around.

sped car”We’reThelookedmotherthetheaspoint. evenalong road isThe straightThat offamily.intolerable.our is noBut…” betrays longermemberwhothe on ahead.alla same daughter person more illegitimatethishe

Jiang Jingnian said slowly, “Although he raised that disgusting illegitimate daughter at home because he was stupid, that can’t be a reason. Little Sister, I’ll help you vent your anger.”

Jiang Yu did not reject him this time. “Okay.”

She anwas comeexcessive not way JiangChenglang. that would Jingnianworriedtotormentup Jiang with

If it was possible, she even felt that it would not be a bad thing for the other brothers to join in.

Although the forced reporting and self-harming when they were young could be explained by their young ignorance and immature nature, the resentment that they had for so many years could not be dispelled immediately once they figured out the reason.

thembetween by theyof relationship. go couldresentmentstrengthenOnlythis letting their

Jiang Jingnian was already thinking about how to deal with Jiang Chenglang, but he had not forgotten about Jian Hanshen, Lu Yuan’s accomplice.

“If it wasn’t because we have already started, I really wouldn’t want to save his father. But, sigh, forget it.”

YuJingnian’shimself. Jiang Jiang meantfor words were alsoforand

As a doctor, he had his professional ethics.

Jiang Yu replied, “Yes, we can’t break the agreement.”

of family two JiangThereturnedtheirthewith tothemworries.own

After Jiang Yu returned to her room, she made a phone call.

“Jiaxui, where’s the person you were supposed to keep an eye on right now?”

out that leftso it down. thecountry, abletrack hadtohelpcountry YutoofAfter hadleaveYuan Lusheusing Jiangthe easybeen her the Jians,the foundwas

‘As long as Jiang Yu kept an eye on Jian Hanshen, she would know where Lu Yuan was.

So, she instructed Ding Jiaxu and the others to keep an eye on her.

Jiaxudidthe hang moment.”please up “Boss, Ding waitphone.not

Then, he used another phone to make a call.

Jiang Yu clearly heard what he said, followed by the sounds of typing.

Ding Jiaxu anda cursed, panic,”Boss,gone.”said “F*ck!”inshe’s

Jiang Yu was not surprised by this answer.

This meant that Jian Hanshen was not lying to her.

it.” got’l

“Boss, should I try to track her down?”

Jiang Yu originally wanted to say “no need”, but when the words came to her mouth, they changed to “okay”.

much she not Infact, hope.didhave

If Jian Hanshen could not find her, then neither would Ding Jiaxu and the others. They were not that familiar with Lu Yuan anyway.

Lu Yuan must have changed her identity. If she was smarter, she would have changed her appearance so that she could hide better and not be discovered.

Jiang protection, wordsnotwouldtwothatworry Withfor his Jian Yuanstrange Luyears. thea had found personwouldan to Yuwhatindeed waswhohave Hanshen However,ofagreement. was not betray

Although there was a possibility that Jian Hanshen betrayed her out of gratitude after they saved Old Master Jian. Based on Lu Yuan’s suspicions, she might have thought that way.

So, had Lu Yuan been planning to flee after she had left the country?

providedwascountry herahard and hide. her. It find Awould placetobig bewithmany placesto

Jiang Yu tumed on her computer and typed on the keyboard, but she did not find anything.

When Lu Yuan had left her overseas residence, she had avoided the surveillance cameras. After that, her face did not appear on any of the other surveillance cameras.

Jiang herYu as’Sheherappearance.’ _ pinchedshethought chin. reallychanged

After leaving the Jiang family, did she suddenly become smarter?

Does unexpected change make people grow up?

Not long after, Jiang Chenglang also learned that Lu Yuan was missing.

He canceled the meeting and returned home, only to find…no one was home?

Jianggonetournament. club staying _hadthe the offiangbecause andleaguehad been toatXingyirecently work, Zeyu

Jiang Jingnian had disappeared without a trace. Jiang Chenglang did not know where he had gone.

But why was Jiang Yu not there?

wasJiangatChenglang messagetextphone, but his Yu. looked Jiang no there from

After he dialed Jiang Yu’s number and heard the chatter from the other end of the line, he subconsciously frowned. Only then did he learn that Jiang Yu was on her way to another city to participate in an esports competition.

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