Martial Peak

Chapter 5544 - Chapter 5544 Consecutive Kills

Chapter 5544, Consecutive Kills

Translator: Silavin & Tia

Translation Checker: PewPewLazerGun

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael Ligerkeys

The murderous intent radiating from this Human Race Master was practically tangible; moreover, the spear in his hand was clearly stained with the fresh blood of a Black Ink Clansman.

[This aura… Isn’t this the aura of the Eighth-Order Human I sensed just now?] The Territory Lord fighting with Feng Ying turned pale with shock, [How did he arrive here so quickly?]

Despite his surprise, there was one thing that gave him a slight sense of relief. The other party seemed to be quite seriously injured.

Yang Kai was indeed heavily wounded. For the sake of ending the previous battle as quickly as possible, he had ambushed and used a Soul Rending Thorn on the first Territory Lord. Unfortunately, he was pierced by a ray of Black Ink Light shot by the second Territory Lord while he was focused on his first target. It was only thanks to his intrepid physique that Yang Kai remained standing. If it had been an ordinary Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master instead, they would have lost most of their combat ability by now.

Afterwards, he cooperated with Yu Ru Meng and the others to slaughter the second Territory Lord in just 10 breaths of time. However, killing the second Territory Lord in such a short time was not without a cost.

He did not use a Soul Rending Thorn to defeat the second Territory Lord, relying solely upon his immense strength in addition to the support of Yu Ru Meng and the others to restrain the enemy. As a result, Yu Ru Meng and the others were wounded in the battle.

Likewise, Yang Kai received additional injuries on top of his previous ones. It was fortunate that such wounds were not critical, and with his recovery abilities, they would not hinder him as long as he did not suffer a fatal blow.

Yang Kai had experienced countless battles of such intensity over the years, and one of the reasons he survived until today and managed to slaughter so many powerful foes was that he often was even more unrelenting and ruthless than his enemies!

The second Territory Lord could be said to be very unlucky. A Territory Lord was hard to kill, and an Innate Territory Lord was even harder to kill. If he had encountered another Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master cooperating with Yu Ru Meng and the others instead, he would have had the chance to escape even if he could not defeat them. Even a Master like Xiang Shan might not be able to stop an Innate Territory Lord like him if he was determined to escape. Unfortunately for him, the person he encountered was none other than Yang Kai, who was proficient in the Dao of Space. Under the effects of the space solidification, the Territory Lord had no hope of escaping, so what else was there for him other than to die in battle?

Yang Kai knew Dawn could not hold out for long, which was why he decided to end the battle as quickly as possible and without any regard for the cost.

He could only unleash three Soul Rending Thorns in a row as it was too risky for him to do so a fourth time, but with the appearance of five Territory Lords, he became greedy and wanted to end all of their lives here today. That was why he refused to use his Soul Rending Thorns unless there was no other choice.

Nevertheless, now was the right time to strike. Yang Kai leapt across the Void and arrived in a flash, then immediately unleashed a Soul Rending Thorn while the Territory Lord facing Feng Ying remained in shock.

The Territory Lord’s Soul was instantly pierced, causing him to howl like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Furthermore, he was struck by the combined attacks of Yang Kai and Feng Ying during the brief moment when the defences of his Soul were ripped apart.

Feng Ying’s Divine Manifestation emerged, and the Myriad Swords Dragon enveloped her body. An overwhelming Sword Intent subsequently pierced towards the Territory Lord while a myriad of Dao Strengths intertwined and interlaced around the Azure Dragon Spear in Yang Kai’s hand.

These two attacks practically blew apart the Territory Lord’s body; however, he did not die. The death of his two companions might have caused him to be more vigilant, so he managed to survive even under such dire circumstances. Nonetheless, his aura weakened significantly.

Yang Kai was genuinely surprised as this was the first time he failed to kill his enemy after unleashing a Soul Rending Thorn, but regardless, he did not have the luxury to ponder over this anomaly. Dawn was in great danger at the moment, and if he did not head to their rescue soon, Dawning Light would be at risk of being blown to pieces.

With a shift of his figure, Yang Kai left the half-dead Innate Territory Lord to Feng Ying and appeared in front of Dawning Light.

At that very moment, the defensive light barrier around Dawning Light shattered to pieces. Led by Shen Ao and the other Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters, the members of Dawn assembled on the deck and prepared themselves to fight the two Territory Lords to the death.

Yang Kai’s arrival was just in time.

Faced with the powerful joint attack of the two Territory Lords, Yang Kai could not dodge as Dawning Light was right behind him. If he evaded the attacks, then the members of Dawn would surely suffer severe casualties.

A Great Sun leapt into the sky as a Golden Crow cried out. Immediately after that, the Full Moon rose up as moonlight illuminated the void.

Time Principles and Space Principles wove together as the Sun and Moon shone simultaneously, causing profound Space-Time Strength to permeate the world.

The Sun and Moon immediately began to spiral forward like a giant top towards the two Territory Lords and swiftly enveloped them. In the next moment, a violent force erupted and regardless of whether it was the two Innate Territory Lords, Yang Kai, or Dawning Light, all of them were overwhelmed by the explosion.

Aboard Dawning Light, every single member of Dawn spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and their expressions became sluggish. Likewise, Yang Kai’s complexion turned as pale as a sheet.

The two Territory Lords were in a state of utter shock. They had never seen such a mighty Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master before. Even though the other party was also wounded, their combined attack containing their full power was still blocked by the other party.

The power of the Divine Ability unleashed by the other party earlier… was so overwhelming that it simply seemed impossible to believe. Not just the raw force behind this attack, but the profound effect it had on both them and the world around them was beyond their ability to comprehend.

Even after the shockwave had faded, the mysterious Space-Time Strength lingering around their bodies left them feeling extremely uncomfortable.

[Do we fight? Or, do we flee?]

This newly appeared Human was too strong. If they could kill him here, then all the sacrifices they made in this battle would be worthwhile. Be that as it may, the other party did not seem like an easy target, and they were not sure if it was him or them who would die if they fought here today.

At this moment, the two Territory Lords were certain that this person was the powerful enemy that Mo Na Ye mentioned; hence, they couldn’t help cursing the latter in their hearts. Mo Na Ye only mentioned that a powerful enemy might appear in Acacia Territory but failed to give them any specifics. It was his fault that two of their companions had been killed!

If Mo Na Ye knew what they were thinking, he would have roared at the injustice!

Information about Yang Kai had come directly from Profound Nether Territory where he had slain three Territory Lords in a single battle. It was later confirmed that he was the same Human who caused a huge disturbance at the No-Return Pass.

In response to this information, Mo Na Ye decided to err on the side of caution and made an immediate request for five additional Territory Lords to be sent as reinforcements. He thought that 10 Territory Lords gathered together would be enough to defeat Yang Kai, but who could have imagined that those five Territory Lords who came as reinforcements would encounter Yang Kai before they even had the chance to meet up with the others? The fact that five Territory Lords would be killed one after another in this intense battle was a situation that the Black Ink Clan never even dreamed of.

Just as the two Territory Lords were hesitating over their decision, the commotion caused by the death of a third Territory Lord came from nearby.

It was Feng Ying who had slain her opponent.

The third Territory Lord was struck by Yang Kai’s Soul Rending Thorn just now and also suffered a joint attack from Yang Kai and Feng Ying that blasted half his body away. Although he managed to survive that initial barrage, his strength had plummeted to the point where he had essentially lost all combat capability.

Yang Kai had to rescue Dawning Light, so he did not bother to stick around until the end of the battle. Naturally, Feng Ying exerted her full strength after his departure. She had been suppressed by her opponent and forced into a precarious situation earlier; however, the Territory Lord was no longer a match for her. There was no helping it as his injuries were too severe. It was already impressive that he could bring out half of his full-strength

Under Feng Ying’s fierce onslaught that completely disregarded the damage she sustained, the third Territory Lord only managed to hold out for several breaths of time before he was slaughtered by her!

This was her first time killing a Territory Lord with her own hands after she advanced to the Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm! However, it was not that impressive a feat as without Yang Kai laying the foundation for her, she was the one who would have suffered a disastrous fate by now.

Feng Ying did not stop there though. Clad in a layer of sword light, she immediately spun around after defeating her opponent and rushed towards Yang Kai.

The two remaining Territory Lords, who had been waffling over their decision to fight or flee, did not hesitate for a moment longer. They were not confident about defeating Yang Kai in the first place, but not only was there another Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master coming to join the fight, they also sensed the other Warship rapidly closing in on them. Things would not end well for them if they were encircled by the enemy; hence, they immediately came to a decision. Their figures flashed, and they fled into the distance.

Yang Kai had taken precautions against their escape though, and seeing them flee, he surged his Space Principles and solidified the local space again. Unfortunately, his injuries were too severe now and he was unable to smoothly mobilize his strength.

If it were just one Territory Lord, he might have been able to restrain his opponent; however, the two Territory Lords cooperated and quickly broke open the blockade to escape.

Yang Kai grit his teeth and raised his spear to pursue. It was not easy to come across the opportunity to slaughter a Territory Lord, so how could he give up so easily? Now that three out of five Territory Lords were dead, killing the last two Territory Lords would be much easier.

Feng Ying followed closely behind while Yu Ru Meng and the others, who were rushing to provide support, also hastily adjusted their course. Aboard Dawning Light, the members of Dawn quickly followed suit after suppressing their injuries.

The two figures and two Warships doggedly moved to intercept the two Innate Territory Lords and in the blink of an eye, they had already crossed a million kilometres.

The persistence of their pursuers enraged the two Territory Lords. They had never suffered such humiliation in all the years since they left the Primordial Heavens Source Grand Restriction.

[It’s all the fault of that damn Mo Na Ye for giving such an unclear message! We will make him pay for this!] The two Territory Lords vowed in their hearts, but then, their expressions abruptly stiffened as they looked up and stared into the distance.

There… seemed to be an ambush in that direction! Numerous Human Race Masters were waiting up ahead for them!

At the same time, a majestic palace soared through the void. The palace was extremely simple looking but had an ancient air about it. Moreover, there was a plaque above the main gates of the palace with the characters ‘Flowing Time’ emblazoned on it. Two figures stood in front of the palace gates, a young man and woman both dressed in white.

The young man and young woman stared at the approaching Innate Territory Lords, but not only did they seem unafraid, they even seemed excited. It was almost as though they had caught a big fish in their net.

They had clearly cultivated the same Secret Art, and under their joint efforts, the flow of time in the local region became distorted. From the enormous palace, 10,008 glowing grains of sand shot out and the two figures disappeared. The grains of sand flew towards the two Territory Lords and enveloped them, causing their sense of time to dramatically slow.

It was the work of Yang Xiao and Yang Xue!

They were the Inheritance Disciples of the Flowing Time Great Emperor, and ever since they inherited the Flowing Time Temple, they had been cultivating the Dao of Time diligently. In particular, the Dao of Time was Yang Xiao’s Bloodline Talent as he was part of the Dragon Clan. He could gain twice the result with half the effort when cultivating the Dao of Time, and thanks to his careful teaching and her innate talents, Yang Xue also shone brilliantly in this extremely esoteric Grand Dao. At present, their attainments in the Dao of Time had reached an incredible height.

Nevertheless, they were not arrogant or overconfident. They knew that they were no match for a Territory Lord, so they did not attempt to actually harm the two Territory Lords. The gap in their strength was simply too wide for that to be a realistic plan. On the contrary, their goal was only to hinder the escape of the two Territory Lords. Even if they could only delay them for a single breath, it would be enough!

If it were an ordinary Black Ink Clansman, they would have had a hard time defending against such a mysterious Secret Technique; however, the strength of the two Innate Territory Lords was enormous. There was no need for them to search for flaws in this Secret Technique to break through, they simply surged the Black Ink Strength in their bodies as they threw out a punch in unison. In the face of overwhelming force, all tricks and tactics become meaningless!

With a single blow, the flying sand that covered the entire area abruptly recoiled and the giant palace which had seemingly vanished reappeared and was sent tumbling through the void. Under the violent impact, the Flowing Time Temple rumbled loudly as countless cracks appeared all over it. Simultaneously, both Yang Xiao and Yang Xue who were standing at the palace gates coughed up a mouthful of fresh blood.

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