Martial Peak

Chapter 5517 - Chapter 5517 What Have You All Been Doing

Chapter 5517, What Have You All Been Doing

Translator: Silavin & Sara

Translation Checker: PewPewLazerGun

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael Ligerkeys

These Divine Spirits were strange as they had appeared out of nowhere. They did not come from the No-Return Pass nor the Divine Spirit Ancestral Land.

After making contact, the Divine Spirits specifically stated that they wanted to talk to a woman named Hua Qing Si from High Heaven Palace.

High Heaven Palace dared not do anything to slight them and Hua Qing Si immediately came forward, finally figuring out that it was Yang Kai who convinced these Divine Spirits and sent them over from the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary to aid them.

The Human Race cheered when they heard this news.

They did not have enough combat power right now, so the sudden appearance of over 100 Divine Spirits was undoubtedly a great boost.

Everyone thought that they would be a powerful backup for the Army; however, no one would have expected that upon arriving at the Star Boundary, these Divine Spirits were not interested in standing with the Human Race in battle. Instead, they remained inside the Star Boundary and threw their weight around haughtily.

In the end, Fu Guang, who had been tending to his injuries, had to come out and teach them a harsh lesson before they restrained themselves.

Following that, Hua Qing Si acted as a mediator and communicated with the Divine Spirits who came from Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary. Eventually, they were willing to help the Human Race, but they refused to listen to anyone’s orders. If the Humans needed their help, the Human Race had to discuss the situation with them in advance and they reserved the right to refuse.

While the process had been difficult, the 100 or so Divine Spirits were still a force that could not be overlooked.

Now, all Divine Spirits had been separated into several teams, not standing guard over any one battlefield and instead being deployed by the Supreme Headquarters to any of the battlefields that needed aid. This way, the Divine Spirits’ utility was maximised.

There had been several times when the Human Race’s defence lines in various frontline Great Territories had nearly been overrun when the Divine Spirits showed up and managed to turn the tide. Thus, one could say that the Divine Spirits played an essential part in moments of crises that allowed the Human Race to maintain their current lines.

Therefore, when Ou Yang Lie heard that Wei Jun Yang had already sent word to the Supreme Headquarters to ask for help from the Divine Spirits, he felt a lot less worried.

However, he quickly started having concerns again and asked, “The Divine Spirits who’re coming won’t be the ones who came out of the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, right?”

Those Divine Spirits were a lot less reliable than the ones from the Divine Spirit Ancestral Land and the No-Return Pass.

Wei Jun Yang shook his head, “I’m not sure. There aren’t many Divine Spirits, only six teams in total, and it’s those at the Supreme Headquarters who have to decide which one to send to us.”

The two were still talking when something changed on the battlefield. Although the Human Race was under great pressure, they were still able to maintain a balance with the Black Ink Clan. However, all of a sudden, over 10 incredibly powerful auras burst out on the battlefield. The Human Race Army was caught off-guard and multiple Warships exploded one after the other. Open Heaven Realm Masters were slaughtered as well, and the Black Ink Clan swarmed in from over a dozen different directions.

Wei Jun Yang and Ou Yang Lie who had been tending to their injuries immediately got to their feet with stormy expressions.

“What are those people at the Supreme Headquarters doing!?” Ou Yang Lie ranted, “Why didn’t we get any news that over a dozen Territory Lords were coming over?”

Although there was a disparity in numbers between the Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters and the Territory Lords on the Profound Nether Territory battlefield, it was only a slight difference and both parties were fully aware of each other’s strength. However, the dozen plus auras that suddenly appeared were all unfamiliar, which meant that they were new and had not been seen on this battlefield before.

While over a dozen Territory Lords was not necessarily a high number, they were all Innate Territory Lords, and with the element of surprise on their side, it was quite possible for them to break through the defence lines.

Wei Jung Yang’s expression was also dark as he quickly said, “Perhaps they did not come from other territories. Every now and then, some Territory Lords disappear after suffering heavy injuries. Those at the Supreme Headquarters have guessed that they might have gone back to the No-Return Pass to heal as they have many High-Rank Black Ink Nests there, which makes it easier for them to rapidly recover. There’s a high chance that these Territory Lords… came from the No-Return Pass.”

Both parties were stuck in a deadlock across all the various battlefields, so if over a dozen Innate Territory Lords left any one of the frontlines, there was no way that the Supreme Headquarters would not have noticed.

Since the Supreme Headquarters did not send out any warnings, it meant that they did not know about the presence of these Territory Lords either.

It was quite likely that these dozen or so Territory Lords came from the No-Return Pass. It was clear that they swarmed here because they wanted to break the Profound Nether Territory’s defence perimeter and claim the whole Great Territory for themselves.

The two Eighth-Order Army Commanders could not spare any more time to tend to their injuries and immediately shot off into the sky, each of them heading for one of the newly appeared Territory Lords.

At the same time, Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters from all directions shot out as well.

Both Wei Jun Yang and Ou Yang Lie knew full well that this might very well be the end of the battle here in Profound Nether Territory. The support of over a dozen Innate Territory Lords was enough for the Black Ink Clan to overrun the Profound Nether Army’s defence lines.

Under these circumstances, the Profound Nether Army could not even retreat, for if they did, the newly reinforced enemy would surely hit them from behind and inflict heavy casualties. Their only option now was to push back the Black Ink Clan at risk of their lives, trying to open up a window to evacuate.

This time, it had to be a fight to the death!

The Human Race had encountered this situation far too many times though; thus, even though the crisis had been sudden, the Human Army did not panic or back down.

In the next instant, Masters from both sides began clashing. With the support of a dozen more Territory Lords, the Black Ink Clan Army instantly gained the advantage and began pushing into the Human lines. Countless flashes of light sparked across the void in bursts of varied colours.

In less than half a day, 30% of the 300,000-strong Human Race Army had died, and two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters had died as well.

Although the two Eighth-Order Masters had given it their all before their death, they only managed to severely wound their opponents.

None of the Innate Territory Lords had died!

The loss of the two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters sent the Human Race Army into a frenzy.

Somewhere on the battlefield, Ou Yang Lie spat out mouthfuls of blood, but he showed no signs of retreating. He kept attacking again and again; however, he was already injured and could not exert his full strength, so how could he best an Innate Territory Lord?

Fortunately, Ou Yang Lie’s ferocity managed to make the Innate Territory Lord he was facing somewhat hesitant; if that had not been the case, the latter would have killed Ou Yang Lie by now.

That being said, the Territory Lord was in no rush. The Humans were on the verge of collapse and the Black Ink Clan was sure to come out victorious, so the Territory Lord had no reason to risk his neck in this fight against Ou Yang Lie. Even if he just dragged the fight out, his side would still win!

Not to mention the fact that there were more Territory Lords than there were Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters. The Black Ink Clan had the absolute advantage here.

After more fierce battling, the Territory Lord abruptly shot a menacing smirk at Ou Yang Lie, whose heart jolted at the sight as he had a foreboding feeling.

Just then, a piercing murderous intent came at him from the side, and the Territory Lord in front of him charged towards him as well.

At this life-or-death moment, Ou Yang Lie did not choose to back away. He charged forward and spat a mouthful of Blood Essence on his weapon which instantly glowed brightly.

As the two passed each other, blood spewed out of Ou Yang Lie’s chest, and at the same time, a deep gash appeared on the Territory Lord’s neck. It was so deep that bone was visible and Ou Yang Lie’s Sword Intent lingered around the wound.

The Territory Lord’s expression darkened. Earlier, he had nearly died to his opponent’s blade. It was true that the Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters could not be underestimated.

Ou Yang Lie slowly turned around and looked at his opponent who had another Innate Territory Lord beside him now. It was the one who had snuck up on him just now.

As it was, Ou Yang Lie could barely hold his own in a one-on-one fight, let alone if he had to fight two of them.

[What a pity!]

Ou Yang Lie sighed lamentably to himself. If he had managed to kill his first opponent just now, his death would not have been in vain; but now, it was unlikely that he would have the chance to do so.

He looked around and saw Wei Jun Yang fending off two enemies despite his injuries. He was at a great disadvantage, and many of the other Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters were in similarly hopeless situations.

How many of the Profound Nether Army could survive this battle today?

Ou Yang Lie’s vision was blurred by the blood dripping down his face, but he could still see that the two Territory Lords did not want to waste any more time and were charging at him together.

“Want to kill me, huh? One of you is coming down with me!” Ou Yang Lie laughed maniacally as the blade in his hand shattered into a burst of light that exploded across the void.

This was an artifact that he had cultivated for many years, and now that it was shattering on purpose, the sudden surge of power it released was quite terrifying.

The two Territory Lords who were charging at Ou Yang Lie sensed danger and immediately moved backwards while he seized this chance to go forward. He had his eye on his first opponent and launched a flurry of attacks that left his opponent in tatters.

Alas, that was all he could do!

After his attack, Ou Yang Lie’s strength swiftly diminished, and the very next moment, he was a shadow of his previous imposing self. The two Territory Lords noticed this and knew that their opportunity had come. Both began unleashing their Secret Techniques, and a series of terrifying Divine Abilities came straight at him.

Ou Yang Lie’s body moved slightly as he wanted to avoid the attacks but did not have the strength to do so. He could only sigh and resign himself to this. In a way, this was preferable for him. Over the last few centuries, the Human Race was forced to retreat again and again, driving him to the limit of his tolerance. Perhaps dying in battle was a better option than slinking away in defeat.

The constant overexertion had left Ou Yang Lie in a bit of a daze, so when a voice called out from nearby, he wasn’t sure if he was hearing things or not.


A deep voice rang out, and Ou Yang Lie’s figure became hazy as if he no longer existed. The two Innate Territory Lords’ attacks flew straight through Ou Yang Lie’s body and the enormous strength shook the Void, causing Ou Yang Lie to cough up a mouthful of blood, but he was not dead.

As the Territory Lords reacted in shock, a dense murderous intent fell over them.

A great distance away, a golden light broke through the void like a shooting star, weaving through the battlefield from the rear of the Black Ink Clan Army, and wherever it passed, the Black Ink Clan lines collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, the golden light was right in front of them. Profound and mysterious strengths swirled as the glow of a spear swiftly enlarged within the vision of one of the Territory Lords.

The Territory Lord was terrified by the murderous intent that enveloped him. He wanted to fight back, but all of a sudden he felt a piercing pain in his head. Pain wracked his entire body as his Black Ink Strength no longer circulated properly.

In the next instant, the spear covered in multi-coloured light pierced through the head of the powerful Innate Territory Lord, causing his life aura to immediately swell up before bursting apart and dissipating!

All of this only took a single breath, causing the other Territory Lord’s expression to stiffen. He looked over and finally saw a young man with a cold look in his eyes withdrawing his spear. At the same time, the air seemed to quiver and the Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master who had been on the verge of death immediately disappeared, seemingly sent off somewhere.

The Territory Lord locked eyes with the young man who snapped icily, “What have you all been doing while I was gone?”

While he spoke, space seemed to freeze, and the Innate Territory Lord felt as if he was about to meet his doom. [A Ninth-Order Human Master!? Wasn’t it said that the only two left were held up somewhere else!?]

Where did this Ninth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master come from?

However, upon closer inspection, the Territory Lord noticed that his opponent only had the aura of an Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, which only confused him further; after all, how could a mere Eighth-Order Human kill an Innate Territory Lord in one blow?

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