Martial Peak

Chapter 2863 - Luring Out The Enemy

Chapter 2863, Luring Out The Enemy

Translator: Silavin & Danny

Translation Checker: PewPewLazerGun

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain & Dhael Ligerkeys

Yang Kai’s face was sombre when he returned from the Sealed World Bead.

He learnt a lot of information about the Demon Race after having a chat with Sha Ya, which made him realize that the Demon Race would not be easy to deal with. The Demon Race’s Hundred Clans was not just a saying, but a reality, and each Clan had its own Innate Divine Abilities. For instance, the Charm Demons like Sha Ya had the Light of Enchantment Innate Divine Ability. Once a Charm Demon executed this technique, any existence weaker than her would be beguiled by her. The minorly affected ones would be controlled and enslaved, while the severely affected would lose their minds and become walking corpses.

The short shadows that they encountered in the war before were the Shadow Demons of the Demon Race Hundred Clans. They were masters of concealment and assassination.

And there were the Sand Demons, Red Demons, Green Demons…

The largest Clan was the Strength Demon Clan, born warriors who faced the Ancient Barbarians head-on in the previous battle. Eighty percent of the Demons in the previous battle belonged to this Clan, though all of them were dead now.

When Yang Kai led Sha Ya out of his cave mansion, it set off a riot amongst the crowd.

The dozen Shamans and other Ancient Barbarians looked at the Demon King Sha Ya in shock, while the twins, Yue and Lu, prepared their Shamanic Spells.

This was a Demon King, the commander of the previous Demon Race army, so everyone naturally became alert.

Everyone except for Tiea, that is, who wore an indifferent look on her face, as if she had expected this all along.

“Don’t be nervous. I am now a slave of Sir Shaman Niu, so I won’t hold any malicious intent towards you,” Sha Ya smiled at the hostile looks on their faces.

“A slave!” The crowd exclaimed, all of them knowing what the title ‘slave’ entailed.

Yue and Lu shot inquiring looks at Yang Kai, and when he nodded, amazement swelled in their hearts. Although they had seen how powerful Yang Kai was before, it was still too unbelievable that he could enslave a Demon King.

None of the Barbarians believed Sha Ya wholly, of course, despite Yang Kai’s affirmation, keeping some vigilance against this Demon King.

After recovering from their initial shock though, Yue and Lu stepped forward with a report.

Having treated the demonised Barbarians for a few days, many of them the Shamans successfully purged their fellow brethren of Demon Qi, helping them to regain their senses. However, perhaps because they had been demonized for too long, more than half had their heads exploded and died in the process of treatment.

This was inevitable though as, after being demonized, these compatriots who had once belonged to the same race became mindless slaves to the Demons, so a price had to be paid to save even some of them.

Still, it was better to save half of them than to lose them all.

In the battle a few days ago, the Shaman Niu Clan lost more than two hundred soldiers, but now they had replenished their numbers all at once. However, the people that they saved still seemed quite weak and needed time to rest and recover.

Yue and Lu were currently trying to find a more efficient treatment method. The use of the Bloodlust Spell to stimulate their demonized clansmen’s Blood Qi, then the use of the Purification Spell to purge the expelled Demon Qi, was just a method that Yang Kai casually thought of before. Although it created some miraculous effects, there should be a better method.

Yue and Lu were born in the Shaman Divine Temple and had broad knowledge of spells; therefore, they were quite good at research and innovation. If they could find a more effective and efficient method, the casualty rate would be greatly reduced in future treatment.

In addition, most of the captured Demon Beasts were tamed by the Shamans with Beast Taming Spells. The twins wanted to pick some of the most powerful warriors from the Shaman Niu Clan to form a land cavalry unit, but they did not dare to make a decision without Yang Kai’s permission, so they only came to ask for advice now.

Yang Kai naturally had no objections to this plan.

Although the Demon Race was defeated overwhelmingly in the previous battle, Yang Kai was still amazed by their cavalry’s prowess. Now that they had tamed these Demon Beasts, it was not a bad idea to set up one more cavalry unit for the Shaman Niu Clan.

If there was such a cavalry, they would be in the upper hand if they encountered the same kind of battle in the future.

“Do you need my help?” Sha Ya took the initiative to ask Yang Kai.

She abandoned her pride and sought refuge with Yang Kai, even becoming his slave. As such, it was natural that she could not wait to show her usefulness.

Seeing Yang Kai looking at her, Sha Ya smiled faintly, “I am a Demon King after all. If I am present, those Demon Beasts would not dare to rebel. I also know more effective methods to tame and control them.”

“Good, go and help.” Yang Kai nodded.

Yue and Lu did not trust Sha Ya, but they couldn’t disobey Yang Kai’s orders, so they could only leave with Sha Ya to look for suitable candidates from their group for the cavalry.

The next few days were uneventful as the Shaman Niu Clan continued to recuperate and prepare for the next battle. Their first victory greatly boosted their morale and confidence, allowing them to realize that the Demon Clan that destroyed four Barbarian Clans was not the indestructible and immortal force they had imagined it to be. They too could bleed and die, and they could also feel fear while facing strong enemies.

The air of mystery and fear surrounding the Demon Clan vanished all at once.

The unknown was always frightening; however, when one learnt about his opponents, he could place himself in a good position during the encounter and unleash the full potential of his ability.

The previous battle had familiarized the Ancient Barbarians with the Demon Clan, allowing them to stand on equal ground in battle.

Sha Ya was also worthy of being a Demon King as she displayed impressive skills.

In just a few days, she had already become completely familiar with the Shaman Niu Clan. Even the dozen Shamans were no longer vigilant towards her, including the twins, Yue and Lu. Although Yang Kai did not deliberately observe her actions, he could still sense her situation through the Soul Imprint he left on her.

Sha Ya never used her Light of Enchantment, instead moving the dozen Shamans with sincerity and patience, slowly mixing with them until now they had all accepted her existence.

With her help, the several dozen captured Demon Beasts successfully became the mounts of the clansmen, forming a superb cavalry.

As expected, Demon Qi constantly overflowed from the bodies of the Demon Beasts, so the Ancient Barbarians dared not simply touch them. Only after gaining a certain resistance against Demon Qi by stimulating their Blood Qi could they gradually become familiar with riding techniques and mounted combat.

Five days later, Yang Kai summoned Sha Ya to his new cave mansion.

“What’s your order, Sir?” Sha Ya still looked notably dignified and beautiful when she put down her coquettish image. After being warned by Yang Kai in the Sealed World Bead a few days ago, she dared not use her charms on her Master anymore. Every time she faced Yang Kai, she would behave like an untouched virgin, but of course, there was no change in her revealing attire.

The reason why she could blend in with the Shaman Niu Clan so quickly also had something to do with her openly revealed beauty. A good majority of the dozen Shamans were men, and men always liked beauties.

“You mentioned before that there were other strongholds of the Demon Race around here, didn’t you?” Yang Kai looked up at her.

Sha Ya nodded, “Yes, now that the Demon Saints are recuperating, the Demon Race decided to halt its advance. Now, everyone is scattered in various places to form a defence line and prevent your Barbarian Race from moving forward.”

“Where is the nearest camp?”

“Five hundred kilometres away.” Sha Ya vaguely understood Yang Kai’s meaning, and smiled faintly, “Do you want me to lead the way and attack them? En, that won’t be a problem as no Demon King is overseeing that stronghold, only a Demon Great General as well as a thousand subordinates. With our current strength, we can just butcher them at will.”

She was a Demon King, but she used the word ‘we’ without any reservations at all, as if she had really become an Ancient Barbarian.

“We’re not going to attack them.”

Sha Ya was stunned and looked at Yang Kai, surprised.

Yang Kai grinned, “We’ll let them come to us!”

Sha Ya immediately understood Yang Kai’s plan.

“You should be able to contact them, right?” Yang Kai looked up and asked.

Sha Ya nodded, “We Demons do have methods to contact one another.”

“Then go and arrange it. I don’t need to tell you what to do, do I?”

Sha Ya smiled and declared, “This Queen has reached a critical juncture in her cultivation and has no time to spare for other matters, but a foreign race army is now trying to attack her base. Immediately send support after receiving this news!”

“Very good,” Yang Kai nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand. “Go!”

Sha Ya bowed and left.

A short time later, Sha Ya stood mid-air outside the cave as a dark Demon Qi suddenly flowed out of her body and quickly condensed into a black crow. The black crow flapped its wings, flew in a certain direction, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Sha Ya turned around, she saw a girl standing there quietly, staring at her.

Although she did not make any accusations, Sha Ya could not help feeling a sense of guilt, as if she had just delivered some kind of secret message that did not favour the Barbarians.

Sha Ya had a deep impression of this girl, because in the battle a few days ago, she showed a set of extremely exquisite assassination skills that even the most powerful Shadow Demon under her command could not achieve.

This girl seemed to be called Tiea.

Sha Ya had some contact with the dozen other Shamans and got familiar with them, but as for this mysterious Tiea, Sha Ya had only seen her face a few times and never spoke with her.

Since it was not easy to meet this girl, Sha Ya naturally did not want to let go of this opportunity to get closer and smiled winningly, “Hello.”

Tiea continued to stare at her quietly and did not show any intention to reply, acting like a delicate puppet.

Sha Ya inexplicably felt a little fearful of this girl for some unknown reason and all of a sudden, she felt it might be better to not get close to her anymore. As such, she quickly explained, “Just now, Sir ordered me to send a message to the nearby Demons and lure them into our trap.”

Tiea still stared at her with that kind of indifferent look.

Feeling uncomfortable, Sha Ya forced a smile and said, “I’m going to report on completion of the task.”

As she spoke, she walked past Tiea.

After taking more than ten steps though, Sha Ya looked back nervously, but to her shock, no one was behind her. The girl named Tiea came and went like the wind, and even as a Demon King, Sha Ya had not noticed any trace of her moving.

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