Martial Peak

Chapter 1879 - Give You One Last Chance

Chapter 1879, Give You One Last Chance

Aboard the Starship, not only were Shen Tu and his escorts present, but also the people from Five Paths Chamber of Commerce.

Hua You Meng, Xia Jing Wu, Yao Qing, Hai Tang, Gao Hong and all the others were currently staring at Yang Kai, their eyes clearly containing worry for him but also a sense of loss for themselves.

All of them had lived on Purple Star for their entire lives, and although none of them ever officially joined Purple Star, they still considered themselves half Purple Star cultivators. Now that they were suddenly forced to escape from Purple Star and would never be able to return, they couldn’t help worrying about their future as they had lost their sense of direction.

However, they knew that after Yang Kai raised such a ruckus on Purple Star, Purple Star no longer had a place for them. Only death would await them if they remained.

In addition to the people of Five Paths Chamber of Commerce, Li Nuo from Clear Sky Auction House and the beautiful woman named Aunt Chun were also aboard the Starship, as well as some cultivators from Clear Sky Auction House.

At this moment, Li Nuo and Aunt Chun looked at Yang Kai with faces filled with gratitude.

The reason was simple: Their Clear Sky Auction House was one of Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce’s hidden assets on Purple Star, and after Yang Kai accidentally discovered that Shen Tu was imprisoned that day, the person Shen Tu asked him to contact was none other than Li Nuo.

After all this trouble, Clear Sky Auction House would certainly be unable to maintain a foothold on Purple Star, so Yang Kai had prepared Five Paths Chamber of Commerce, Li Nuo, Aunt Chun and all the others associated with them beforehand to leave Purple Star once Shen Tu was freed.

The arrangements were perfect, and the plan went off extremely smoothly, but that was only thanks to the endless trump cards Yang Kai had in his possession together with his incredible combat power.

“President Hua, let me introduce you, this is the son of Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce’s President, Shen Tu!” Yang Kai chuckled and pointed to Shen Tu.

Hua You Meng was extremely shocked when she heard these words, seemingly never having expected the young man who just fled into the Starship in such a dishevelled condition to have such an incredible background. Xia Jing Wu and the others from Five Paths Chamber of Commerce also gawked towards Shen Tu in disbelief.

Shen Tu grinned and said freely, “Since you are Brother Yang’s friends, then you are my, Shen Tu’s friends as well!”

“I was waiting for you to say that” Yang Kai smiled before saying “President Hua and her companions were implicated this time because of me and forced to leave Purple Star, so they currently have no suitable place to go. Brother Shen Tu, if it is convenient, could you find a place for them to stay on Water Moon Star?”

“Certainly,” Shen Tu thumped his chest and said righteously, “I own a million-kilometre-wide territory on Water Moon Star with seven cities and numerous big and small towns. If President Hua would like, you can accompany me back there to serve as a High-Level Managers in the chamber of commerce, handling various matters related to foreign trade.”

“A million-kilometre territory…”

“Seven cities…”

“High-Level Managers of the Chamber of Commerce?”

Everyone from Five Paths Chamber of Commerce was stunned, their jaws dropping as they could hardly believe their ears.

Before they met Yang Kai, Five Paths Chamber of Commerce was just a small, little-known chamber of commerce that struggled to survive on the lowest rung of Purple Star City’s markets.

But now, with a single sentence, Shen Tu was able to elevate their position to one they could not even dream of reaching if they had toiled away for another thousand years.

With this kind of advantage, and the more than 200 million Saint Crystals currently owned by Hua You Meng, Five Paths Chamber of Commerce’s rise was all but inevitable.

“This… that is… is this really proper?” Hua You Meng’s face flushed with excitement as she stammered to Yang Kai.

“What could be improper?” Shen Tu laughed, “My Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce is based on business and Water Moon Star has more large and small chambers of commerce than Purple Star City. Since you are originally members of a chamber of commerce, then your ideas and intentions already coincide with my Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce’s. By making you High-Level Managers, I will also have less to worry about, so I’ll be relying on you in the future.”

Yang Kai smiled at Hua You Meng and said, “Since Brother Shen Tu has said so, President Hua should not refuse.”

Hua You Meng still looked like she was in a dream, a beautiful smile adorning her face as she envisioned the bright future before her, unable to even reply until Xia Jing Wu lightly coughed to awaken her. Collecting herself quickly, Hua You Meng gratefully and elegantly bowed, “In that case, this Mistress will offer her sincere thanks to Second Young Master.”

Shen Tu waved his hand lightly and said, “President Hua is too polite. From now on, we are all one big family, you don’t need to act so courteously.”

Li Nuo stepped forward, took Hua You Meng’s arm, and said affectionately, “Elder Sister Hua, Junior Sister will also be working in Second Young Master’s territory in the future, so I’ll ask you in advance to take care of me then.”

“Junior Sister surely jests; it should be Elder Sister asking for your care.”

Inside the Starship, everyone was experiencing the joy of escaping from death and was looking forward to a beautiful tomorrow, causing the atmosphere to be extremely light and harmonious.

A moment later though, Yang Kai frowned, glanced back, and snorted softly, “It seems that Purple Star isn’t willing to give up so easily.”

Shen Tu’s face changed, “What’s the situation?”

“Ten Starships are pursuing us, nine Origin Grade High-Rank with one Origin King Grade Starship leading them!”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone’s expressions changed drastically.

Origin King Grade Starships were rare no matter what force it was. Even Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce only had a few such ships. The same was true for Purple Star. It was not difficult to guess that the person commanding this Origin King Grade Starship was Kuang Shi Zong!

Although this Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce Starship was also Origin Grade High-Rank, trying to face an enemy which was both stronger and faster in the Starry Sky would only result in it and everyone aboard being blown to pieces.

Even with just the Origin King Grade Starship as their opponent, it was more than enough to consign them to death. Not to mention, the fact that there were nine other Origin Grade High-Rank Starships as well.

“What are we going to do?”

“We need to run!”

“We can’t escape, the other party’s Origin King Grade Starship is faster than ours, we might as well turn and fight!”

Everyone fell into a panic and began shouting.

Shen Tu, however, just turned to look at Yang Kai thoughtfully before suddenly bursting into laughter, “All of you calm down, with Brother Yang here, what is there to worry about? Brother Yang could bring us out from a place like Purple Star City, now we’re in the vast Starry Sky, an ocean wider than any fish could swim and a sky broader than any bird could soar, how could those bastards from Purple Star possibly stop us here?”

Hearing what he said, everyone’s flustered mood suddenly calmed down and they all turned to Yang Kai.

Seeing him still wearing a calm and fearless look, everyone else immediately knew that he must have a way to escape from their pursuers and immediately felt relieved, even becoming somewhat eager to see what magical method he would show them this time.

“Brother Shen Tu has such great confidence in me,” Yang Kai laughed before nodding, “Okay, just as Brother Shen Tu said, I can naturally keep everyone safe, just continue sailing forward and leave the outside affairs to me.”

Saying so, his figure flickered, and he disappeared from where he stood. When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the Starship and stood atop its deck.

Looking towards the rear, Yang Kai was able to clearly see the ten pursuing Starships approaching at rapid speed, the lead Origin King Grade Starship exuding a terrifying momentum like a fierce tiger descending the mountain.

After just ten short breaths, the distance between the two sides had halved, and soon the Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce Starship entered the range of the Origin King Grade Starship’s Crystal Cannons.

Kuang Shi Zong’s roar rang out at that moment, “Boy! Surrender everything you stole from my Purple Star’s Vault or this old master swears he will kill you today!”

This voice billowed like thunder, showing just how angered Kuang Shi Zong was.

Yang Kai just smiled slightly and called out casually, “Why is Senior so stingy? Purple Star is so wealthy and those things in your vault weren’t even being used, just let me take them with me for now and I’ll return them at some point in the future.”

“Return what you stole to this old master now and this old master can pretend nothing happened, otherwise, even if you can escape today, everyone in that Starship will be buried in the Starry Sky!”

“It seems Senior has no interest in negotiating,” Yang Kai shrugged his shoulders helplessly, “I have no intention of returning these things now, but if Senior continues to pester me about them, I would be happy to teach Senior an unforgettable lesson!”

“Bold! Do not think that just because you are proficient in the Dao of Space you can do whatever you want! This Starry Sky goes on forever, and there are countless capable masters you have not met, how could a frog at the bottom of the well possibly see how vast the sky truly is! This old master will give you one last chance, return what you stole or die!”

Yang Kai coldly snorted, “Senior, I will also give you one last chance. End your pursuit now otherwise you may not be able to bear the consequences!”

“Good, good, good! Boy, for repeatedly insulting this old master, this old master will teach you how to show proper respect today!” With Kuang Shi Zong’s roar, several dozen Crystal Cannons emerged from the Origin King Grade Starship’s hull, each one covered in complicated glowing arrays.

A dazzling light burst forth, making the entire Origin King Grade Starship as bright as a dazzling sun.

Terrifying energy fluctuations filled the void.

Yang Kai’s expression turned solemn as he stood atop the Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce Starship, took a deep breath, and pushed his Space Force madly.


With a muffled thud, the Origin King Grade Starship of Purple Star shook slightly and dozens of pure white beams of light, like streaking comets, rushed out towards where Yang Kai stood, vaporizing any stray asteroids in the Starry Sky that were unfortunate enough to be in their path.

A Crystal Cannon volley was the most terrifying attack a Starship possessed. The Crystal Cannon volley of an Origin Grade Low-Rank Starship was capable of destroying a small city, and as the rank of a Starship increased, the power of its cannons increased geometrically. An Origin King Grade Starship Crystal Cannons bombardment could destroy a tenth of a small Cultivation Star.

Ten volleys were enough to destroy a Cultivation Star.

The columns of white light flashed forward and directly penetrated the Origin Grade High-Rank Starship of Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce.

Like a snowflake under the scorching sun, the Origin Grade High-Rank Starship did not even manage to resist for a single breath before distorting and disappearing, seemingly vaporizing directly.

Seeing this scene though, Kuang Shi Zong was startled, apparently not thinking it would be this easy.

But in the next moment, he realized that something was wrong, and he quickly shifted his gaze.

Where he was now looking, the Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce Starship was safe and sound in the Starry Sky and still fleeing forward while Yang Kai stood atop it completely unscathed and wearing a carefree expression.

Kuang Shi Zong could even see a look of mockery on his face.

“He can teleport an entire Starship?” Kuang Shi Zong quickly understood what had happened and his entire body stiffened in place as if he had been struck by lightning, a look of shock covering his face.

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