Martial Peak

Chapter 1687 - Settling The Three Clans

Chapter 1687, Settling The Three Clans

None of them had expected Yang Kai to be so generous, even allowing Coloured Glass Sect to rebuild itself in the future. If they had known this, how could they have bothered debating such minor pros and cons in their hearts, they would have straight up asked to join High Heaven Sect as well.

Unfortunately, it was now too late for regrets. Although Yang Kai apparently possessed a forgiving and amiable personality, he was clearly no fool. After they had already seen the treatment Coloured Glass Sect received, how could he accept others coming up and wishing to join now?

Many people wore bitter looks, but they quickly set such stray thoughts aside and moved forward to congratulate Gong Ao Fu.

Gong Ao Fu was now considered an Elder of High Heaven Sect, so they needed to fawn upon her.

Gong Ao Fu also seemed to be in a jubilant mood because of Yang Kai’s words and responded to everyone who came up to her with a smile and appropriate words. After all, she had previously been a Sect Master herself, so dealing with these trivial pleasantries was not an issue for her.

Yang Kai glanced around until his eyes finally fixed on Yan Pei.

Yan Pei’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, making it impossible for anyone to tell his thoughts from his expression, but seeing Yang Kai looking at him, he took the initiative to sigh and cup his fists, “Sect Master Yang please take care, this old master will take his leave!”

Yang Kai chuckled, “Where does Senior Yan plan to go?”

Yan Pei frowned as he replied, “I don’t know, we’ll just take one step at a time.”

The Corpse Spirit Religion army was everywhere outside, and although Treasure Trove Pavilion was not weak, it naturally couldn’t compete with the former. If this weren’t the case, Yan Pei would not have brought his people here to seek refuge inside High Heaven Sect. Now that he had to depart, he naturally felt the future was bleak.

“If Senior Yan does not object, he might as well remain here. Although my High Heaven Sect has nothing extraordinary about it, it has more than enough land to accommodate the people of your Treasure Trove Pavilion.”

Yan Pei’s body shook as his old black face glowed with a hint of excitement. Turning to Yang Kai gratefully, he lowered his head and said, “This old master is ashamed!”

When the masters from the various Sects were making trouble for High Heaven Sect previously, although the people from Treasure Trove Pavilion did not participate, they also did not stand up to stop them, only going so far as to warn Ye Xi Yun in advance.

Towards a benefactor who had saved their lives and given them asylum, this was undoubtedly ungrateful behaviour.

And now, Yang Kai was even willing to retain them, repaying ingratitude with mercy and making Yan Pei feel quite ashamed and embarrassed.

He knew that there was not much friendship between Yang Kai and Treasure Trove Pavilion, only a few business dealings related to mutual interests. The reason why Yang Kai offered to let them remain was mainly because of Qian Tong’s face.

The personal relationship between Yan Pei and Qian Tong was quite good after all.

“Senior Yan is too serious. After this catastrophe passes, this Yang’s High Heaven Sect will no doubt receive help from Treasure Trove Pavilion regarding certain matters. When the time comes, I hope Senior Yan will not refuse!” Yang Kai smiled slightly.

“Sect Master Yang need not worry about that. If High Heaven Sect has a use for my Treasure Trove Pavilion in the future, it only needs to say the word,” Yan Pei pledged solemnly.

Yang Kai smiled with satisfaction, thinking Old Black Face Yan Pei was someone who understood propriety.

While his taking the initiative to offer shelter to Yan Pei was truly related to Qian Tong, Yang Kai’s main reason for doing so was because Treasure Trove Pavilion could not be taken lightly. Perhaps their combat power was not worth mentioning in front of him, but Treasure Trove Pavilion had influence all across Shadowed Star and had developed many businesses and channels that High Heaven Sect simply did not have. If High Heaven Sect wanted to grow in the future, it would not be a bad idea to have such an ally.

Moreover, the culprits who forced Ye Xi Yun to withdraw from High Heaven Sect had all been punished, so the flames of anger in Yang Kai’s heart had been greatly extinguished. He was not interested in pursuing those who were left here for this crime.

It would be a huge loss for Shadowed Star to kill all the people present. Instead of dying by his hand, it would be better to have them redeem themselves by fighting Corpse Spirit Religion.

For a time, the square actually became quite lively; however, ninety-nine percent of the masters present were still acting cautiously towards Yang Kai, lest they upset him accidentally.

Only Gong Ao Fu and the former members of Coloured Glass Sect who had officially joined High Heaven Sect wore a more natural expression.

Yang Kai had not returned to High Heaven Sect for a long time, so he was quite concerned about the Sect’s affairs. He was also very concerned about Ye Xi Yun and the others, so he did not waste any more time than necessary chatting with these people. After sending them back to their respective residences, he summoned out the rest of the people aboard the Starship.

Yang Kai did not need to issue any orders to these people as Yang Xiu Zhu and the others were more than capable of organizing themselves.

Yang Kai then hurried towards the sixth layer of the Flowing Flame Sand Field.

To Yang Kai’s surprise, however, before he could even leave High Heaven Sect’s perimeter, he saw a large cluster of lights flying towards him. At the head of this group, Yang Kai felt a familiar aura that belonged to Ye Xi Yun.

Yang Kai was stunned for a moment, but soon understood. Although he had only appeared in the square a short time ago, he had raised quite a ruckus, so it wasn’t a surprise that Ye Xi Yun had noticed and brought the original High Heaven Sect members out from the sixth layer.

Since they were returning on their own, Yang Kai simply stood in place and waited.

A moment later, a group of more than two hundred people, led by Ye Xi Yun, landed not far in front of Yang Kai.

Before Yang Kai could even examine Ye Xi Yun’s condition, he heard Great Elder Ye ask, “Finished processing everything?”

Yang Kai was startled for a moment but soon laughed, “Great Elder has such faith in me?”

Ye Xi Yun replied indifferently, “You are the Sect Master, who else can this Queen have faith in?”

Yang Kai sighed and nodded, “It has been handled.”

Ye Xi Yun turned in the direction of the square and asked lightly, “The smell of blood is quite strong, did many die?”

Yang Kai snickered, “Myriad Beast Mountain, Medicine Pill Sect, and Floating Mist Palace have been wiped out!”

Ye Xi Yun did not react much, but the people behind her all showed uplifted looks, knowing they had obtained justice.

It was these three forces which had incited the others to begin with, leading to those many masters opposing High Heaven Sect and forcing Ye Xi Yun to withdraw.

“Sect Master!” Chang Qi suddenly walked out from behind and saluted Yang Kai, “Please understand, Sect Master, Great Elder had us withdraw from the headquarters not because we weren’t those thieves’ opponents, but because Great Elder was worried about the weaker disciples of the Sect. Our High Heaven Sect’s numbers are still quite thin so we cannot afford to lose anyone.”

“I know,” Yang Kai smiled lightly.

Chang Qi was taken aback but soon retreated without saying anything more.

Yang Kai originally thought that the reason Ye Xi Yun had retreated to the depths of the Flowing Flame Sand Field was that they were greatly outnumbered, and after seeing this group and their current states, he immediately confirmed his speculations.

Although the number of people in front of him was far smaller than when he left High Heaven Sect, and almost all of them had suffered varying degrees of injuries, Ye Xi Yun did not seem to be greatly affected. With her means, even if Myriad Beast Mountain, Medicine Pill Sect, and Floating Mist Palace tried, how could they have possibly driven her away?

The reason she took the initiative to retreat was simply to take care of the others from the Sect.

She may have been able to defeat ten opponents by herself, but the others could not, especially the former disciples of the Hai Ke Family who were the first to follow Yang Kai. These disciples were currently all Saint Kings at best.

If Ye Xi Yun had not withdrawn, all these lower disciples would have died without complete corpses.

In other words, if Ye Xi Yun had chosen to fight to the bitter end, High Heaven Sect would certainly have suffered immensely while at least half of the people back at the square would have also died.

“Since Sect Master understands, this Queen won’t bother explaining anything more,” Ye Xi Yun nodded lightly, her expression as indifferent as ever.

“How are Great Elder’s injuries? I heard on the way back that you fought against two masters from Corpse Spirit Religion and suffered severe wounds.”

“En, I truly was not their opponent in a two on one, but my condition now is stable. After another month or so I should be fully recovered.

“That’s good, the Sect will soon be receiving a great many people so I will need Great Elder to help properly arrange them.”

Ye Xi Yun glanced over at Yang Kai and snorted, “You seem quite happy you can sit back and remain idle.”

Yang Kai laughed loudly, “This is not my strong point. Moreover, I have been away from the Sect for nearly eight years now, so I really don’t understand its current situation.”

“Forget it, when the time comes, I’ll make the necessary arrangements,” Ye Xi Yun waved her hand and accepted.

The group of two hundred or so then quickly returned to the Sect’s headquarters.

When Yang Kai let out the ten thousand people from the Three Clans from the Sealed World Bead, even the always composed Ye Xi Yun could not help changing continence slightly.

Although she had been informed by Yang Kai that he had brought a large number of people to High Heaven Sect, she had not expected for there to be this many.

Fortunately, these people were all brought back by Yang Kai from his homeland, so there was no need to worry about issues of loyalty.

In other words, in terms of the number of people alone, today’s High Heaven Sect had completely eclipsed any great force on Shadowed Star! Of course, this was with the exception of Corpse Spirit Religion. Now, more and more people were submitting to Corpse Spirit Religion, and almost half Shadowed Star had fallen into its clutches.

With ten thousand people from the Three Clans, arranging them was definitely a problem.

However, Yang Kai was not worried about this problem at all.

After summoning the top masters from the Three Clans, Ye Xi Yun asked them about their respective requirements before quickly assigning them to various peaks.

There were ready-made palaces and buildings on each of these peaks, so the Human, Monster, and Demon Race clansmen only needed to clean them up a bit before moving in.

As for the original disciples of High Heaven Sect, they all went back to their original residences.

In just one day, Ye Xi Yun had processed these matters to an acceptable degree.

High Heaven Sect had absorbed nearly ten thousand new recruits all at once, so it was conceivable that it would truly become the greatest Sect on Shadowed Star at some point in the future.

After this new blood was injected into High Heaven Sect, the utilization rate of the eighty-one peaks increased to a little less than one-fifth, which meant most of the peaks still remained unoccupied.

The other masters from the outside Sects who had come here to seek refuge could only stare at these peaks with envy, helpless to do anything about it.

Most of them had offended High Heaven Sect, so although Yang Kai showed no intent to pursue their crimes, they still had to live cautiously, lest they irritate him and suddenly be expelled.

Over the next few days, Yang Kai spent some time patrolling and inspecting the various peaks to make sure the Three Clans were settling in properly.

The results of his investigation satisfied him greatly. No one from the Three Clans showed any dissatisfaction. Compared with Tong Xuan Realm, Shadowed Star was simply a cultivated paradise, not to mention that High Heaven Sect occupied the best location on Shadowed Star.

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