My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 490 - A Big Piece of Information The “Safest” Place!

Chapter 490 A Big Piece of Information, The “Safest” Place!

“Huh, this thing is kind of interesting!” Giving the properties of the protective shield a once-over, Su Mo decided to give it a try. He picked a shield up and activated it.


A clear hoot sounded, and a slightly white barrier appeared in front of Su Mo’s eyes. On Earth, electromagnetic force fields were not merely a figment of someone’s imagination, or conceptual idea that only existed on Powerpoint.

On the contrary, the concept had already been realized on a small scale. It could be attached to the surface of armor to block the attacks of armor-piercing projectiles.

However, the way it worked was not by directly absorbing the kinetic energy of the projectile. Instead, it produced more of a “deflection” effect.

When compared to the white barrier in front of him, it was obvious that the two were

“It’s not similar to an electromagnetic force field. Rather, it’s a bit more like an energy field!”

After attempting to slam his fist against the white barrier a few times, and seeing the energy stored within the shield gradually drop by 1%, Su Mo came up with an answer from direct observation. Energy shields were commonplace in sci-fi movies.

However, once one looked into the specifics, there were many different types.

The first type was similar to this one now. After it was activated, it would bind and solidify energy into a visible shield.

The second type was a plasma shield. It used electromagnetic force to confine and shape plasma into a shield, and had a strong shielding effect against energy-based attacks such as electromagnetic waves. It was usually invisible and would only turn visible upon receiving an impact for an energy-based attack. Normally, one would find it used as a battleship shield in space-based sci-fi films.

The third type of magnetic shield was even less unfamiliar. Before transmigrating, it had been realized as a tokamak, which was a device that used a powerful magnetic field to confine plasma into the shape of a torus, and was developed to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion power. Of course, there were other versions of such shields as well.

There were also magnetic energy deflection shields, decomposition shields, joint shields, and others, which were either the products of fantasy and imagination, or actual science. These complex and imaginative ideas and exaggerations constituted the fantasies that humans had for the shields of the future. The spherical force field in front of him embodied one of those types.

“If I don’t distinguish them by size, this thing is somewhat similar to Ma Fei’s sky barrier.”

“If I could analyze the theory behind this thing and expand upon it, perhaps it can be developed into a protective barrier that will be large enough to shield the entire territory.” If he ignored the energy constraints and requirements, the idea of having an eggshell-shaped barrier to cover the currently undefended territory was a good idea. He continued to test it out in several ways but, given their current circumstances of poverty and the lack of resources, Su Mo abandoned the idea and deactivated the shield.

“Master, they’re all awake. Do you want Moore to…”

Seeing the white barrier around Su Mo disappear, Moore’s voice rang out. At the same time, within Moore’s steel claw-like hands, the dwarf leader was picked up like a little chick and lifted up into the air.

Then, a pail of icy cold water was poured down above his head!


He was dangled in mid-air and even doused with cold water.

The dual stimulation of his current predication caused the dwarf leader, whose brain was still muddled after Li Hu’s stunning smack, to instantly sober up! “Moore, tell him that, if he is willing to cooperate, I can let him go back to his territory. Otherwise…” “Ah, tell this barbaric bear to let me go, or the Cole family will definitely make you pay the price in blood!”

Surprisingly, before Su Mo’s sentence was even finished, the dwarf cut in first.

Like the foreign races who used human languages, the dwarf also spoke extremely accurate Mandarin! “Oh? Since you can speak the human language, this’ll be much easier to settle!” He gave Moore a familiar look. With a big smile on his face, Su Mo sat down. The next moment, Moore, who had understood Su Mo’s intention, nodded excitedly and swung his arms that were thicker than the dwarf’s body around and around.



Like a large windmill, the poor dwarf was caught in Moore’s hands and swung around in circles.

As a result, the gravitational force on the dwarf’s body reached 5G.

It was the first time he had felt such pressure.

In less than ten seconds, as Moore swung him around again and again, the dwarf collapsed gloriously.

Unfortunately, right after he passed out, Moore quickly took the pail of water and poured it over his head.

Compared to the previous time, the current temperature of the water was a little higher. However, once it was poured on the dwarf’s head, it felt doubly refreshing. Now, as the blood pressure rushed to the top of his head, every nerve ending in his brain was extremely sensitive. Right after the cold water was poured, a loud shout rang out. “Human, human, I surrender! Let’s talk things over.”

“Quickly, let this heroic bear warrior put me down. I, the leader of the dwarves, Paulie, willingly surrender to you!” Within a second, two complete sentences were uttered in an eloquent manner. The dwarf Paulie’s desire to survive was evident.

The next second, he was put down. In his field of vision, Su Mo’s smiling face reappeared. “Very good, very good. We have a saying in Huaxia. Those who think and act according to the situation are wise.”

“Speak then!”

Without asking any specific questions, Su Mo words posed an open-ended question. However, Paulie’s following “forthrightness” made Su Mo a little dumbfounded.

“Oh, human powerhouse, please allow Paulie to present you with the latest news on the dwarf tribe!”

Getting down on one knee, the dwarf Paulie rapidly clambered to Su Mo’s feet.

First, he “reverently” kissed the toes of Su Mo’s feet with his mouth. Then, with a “flattering” expression, he retreated three feet away. “I hail from the Cole clan, a subordinate of the great dwarf god of creation.” “The Cole clan arrived 39 days ago, and the number of our people that arrived was 134 thousand. Before I left the territory, the Cole clan occupied a total of nineteen territories, ranking fourth in the New World!” “The camp I was assigned to was the Black Stone base camp, which is responsible for mining black stones to provide winter resources for the clan!”

With absolutely no loyalty to speak of, he spilled the beans to Su Mo without hesitation. Paulie’s explanation answered the few questions that Su Mo wanted to ask about clearly.

It was as if the dwarf Paulie had already prepared a draft speech beforehand.


“134 thousand people?”

Paulie nodded frantically. “Yes, thanks to the gifts from the god of creation, our dwarf clan obtained many slots to enter this world. Moreover, during this period of development, our population increased to a certain extent. I don’t know exactly how many were added, but the number is at least around 500 thousand.”

500 thousand dwarves!

Nineteen territories!

Listening to Paulie’s words, Oreo, who was lying beside Su Mo, nodded slowly. Su Mo’s face remained calm for the time being, but monstrous waves had suddenly been stirred up in his heart.

Based on the game’s reduction measures (disasters), the population of humans had plummeted by half, which brought the total human population down to nearly 2 billion.

If the game wanted to continue inflicting disasters, it had to increase the number of living creatures in this world. Before this happened, Su Mo had already expected that the foreign races would come swarming in like locusts.

However, Su Mo now realized that his estimates had been far too conservative!

The situation in the New World at this time was even crazier than the war of a hundred races that Connie had told him about!

“What about Old Era Technology? Do you know anything specific regarding the research on Old Era Technology?”

He behaved just like the previous dwarf captain.

The moment he heard the words “Old Era Technology” come out of Su Mo’s mouth, a strange look appeared in Paulie’s eyes. Then, after finding Su Mo’s attention on him, he quickly spoke. “Great king of humankind, please forgive Paulie’s incompetence. Within the dwarf clan, Old Era Technology is a top-notch forging technique that only the geniuses of the clan can access. Not only do they require talent, they would also need the endorsement of the chief and the approval of the king. With Paulie’s abilities, I’m afraid that I would never be able to come into contact with Old Era Technology in my entire lifetime.”

The technology had been packaged as a top-notch forging technique by the dwarves. Although it sounded a little outrageous, Su Mo continued to ask patiently. “Ordinary dwarves would never be able to access it?”

Paulie shook his head. “There are regulations within the dwarf clan. There are two ways to access this top-notch forging technique. The first is to constantly accumulate forging experience by crafting more and more equipment with excellent properties, and offer them to the clan to obtain contribution points in order to increase one’s own forging level.”

“My current forging level is level two, which is far from the geniuses of the clan, who can reach level three not long after they’re born. Furthermore, if you want to access Old Era Technology, you have to be at least level eight or above, with the highest level being level nine. In order to reach this stage, one would have to burn through a lot of materials. Ordinary dwarves wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“The second way is via contribution. As long as one makes a significant contribution to the clan and has a forging level of level six and above, they will have the opportunity to come into contact with the most basic levels of Old Era Technology in order to rapidly improve their own forging level.”

As he spoke about the top-notch forging technique, Paulie’s face was full of envy.

However, when he spoke about the geniuses of the clan being able to reach level 3 shortly after birth, his face was full of bitterness.

Comparisons only made people miserable. This kind of power gap was common in human society, but it was the same even in the clustered societal structures of the foreign races. “Very good, dwarf Paulie. You did well tonight. I have one last question.”

“If your answer to this question satisfies me, then not only will you get a stable environment to sleep and rest, you might even get enough food and water to sate yourself.”

Holding the round protective shield in his hand, it rumbled as he activated it. Although Su Mo did not move, there was a sort of invisible aura that rapidly condensed around his body.

Then, as this aura reached its peak, Su Mo turned his head around and stared directly into Paulie’s eyes. “Why did you choose to surrender?”

It was a seemingly unimportant question. As the words came out of his mouth, Oreo roused herself from her lazy state and pricked up her ears.

However, unexpectedly, he was just as forthright as when he surrendered earlier.

Paulie the dwarf gave his answer to this question without hesitation. He only paused a little before immediately speaking out. “Respected king of humankind, territory lord Su Mo, please forgive Paulie’s presumptuousness. You might not know that, a month ago, word of your greatness and brilliance spread throughout the entire world.”

“You’re the only powerful figure that can fight against the gods in this world. Your might is something that even the king of dwarves might shy away from!” “Paulie is aware that, if I surrender to a powerhouse like you, I won’t have to be afraid even if I’m hunted down by the dwarf tribe.”

“Given your brilliance, you would surely keep Paulie safe, right?!” Su Mo was not surprised that the little dwarf had figured out his identity.

Nevertheless, upon seeing Oreo nod, Su Mo became interested.

“As long as you’re willing to pledge allegiance to me, you can rest assured that your safety is guaranteed. In my territory, even if the dwarf king comes in person, I will make him pay the price.”

“However, your treatment depends entirely on the value of what you can bring me. I think you should be able to understand this!”

Paulie the dwarf nodded immediately.

“Territory lord Su Mo, your wisdom astounds Paulie. No one on this continent would have imagined that you would make such a barren place your chosen territory.” “There’s not a single tree here, and the land is unsuitable for farming. The probability of successfully sustaining a population here is basically zero.” “Also, amid this cold winter, there’s nothing on this entire land that can block the wind and rain. It’s definitely the worst survival conditions in the entire New World.”

“However, it’s also the safest place. We won’t be surrounded and attacked by the other foreign races atthe beginning, so it’s an opportunity to develop the territory!” Listening to Paulie’s “shameless praise”, Su Mo coughed lightly, looking a little embarrassed.

However, upon hearing his final sentence, Su Mo became alert again. “The safest place?”

Paulie nodded. “Yes, a month ago, the foreign races sent out a simple communication message and planned to launch a surprise attack on you as soon as possible.” “Within our dwarf tribe, any dwarf who could provide your whereabouts would be commended by the king and directly rewarded with a promotion to level seven!” “In other words, if I reported your location and raised my forging level to level six, I would directly gain access to the Old Era Technology!”

As he looked on, Su Mo was lost in thought.

Paulie spoke up again. “Territory lord Su Mo, I know the defenses of the Black Stone base camp like the back of my hand. I know all the weak points of the outer white wall, and when they change shifts.”

“As long as we have a suitable opportunity, we can break through the base camp in one fell swoop and obtain the rights to mine the black stones. At that time, we’ll have enough resources to survive this cold winter!”

In order to show his worth, Paulie had practically exhausted the intelligence data he possessed and all his other means.

Within just ten minutes, he even consciously changed his identity from a captive to a follower. He tried to see things from Su Mo’s point of view and started to think about territorial development. Seeing such a change, Oreo confirmed once again that he was not lying.

Su Mo stood up.

“Very good, Paulie. Your loyalty astounds


“Don’t worry about the Black Stone base camp for the time being. For now, you’ll stay

have an opportunity to display your worth.”

“Perhaps in the future, the king of dwarves will have to kneel at your feet and kiss your toes reverently as well!”

He had received an important piece of “insider information”.

As for the rest of the interrogation process, Su Mo chose to hand it over to Chen Shen and the others. Paulie, and the rest of the dwarves who could not speak the human language, followed Su Mo out of the shelter with faces filled with gratitude as they headed toward Iron Rock Mountain.

Deep in contemplation, Su Mo strode down to the third floor.

As the interrogation process had taken over an hour, Su Chan, who had been busy all day, had fallen asleep in the guest bedroom.

Su Mo did not choose to disturb her and instead walked down the familiar, yet unfamiliar path, quickly returning to the small nest that he had left behind for four long months!

The blankets and bedsheets had been changed by Su Chan during the day.

Moreover, after being exposed to sunlight for several hours, the entire room no longer smelled musty, which unconsciously put people at ease. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and changed into his pajamas.

With various thoughts swirling around in his mind, Su Mo covered himself with the blanket and stretched out on the bed.

“It seems like my initial decision to move the basin area and its surroundings to the New World was the right one.”

“If I had nothing and came to the New World to fight for territory, I think that there would already have been countless foreign races secretly plotting how they can surround and eradicate me!” Picking up the map of the New World that he had drawn earlier, he examined it a few more times.

Seeing that he had made the correct decision unintentionally, Su Mo could not help but feel a little fortunate.

It was easier to provoke and deal with the king of hell compared to the countless ghosts of hell.

If the territory he had chosen had been where the smaller clans were concentrated, there would have been enemies running all around his territory by now.

At that time, the pressure he would have faced, at every minute and every second, would have been completely different from his current situation.

In addition, if he had chosen the center as his territory, once he was surrounded, he would have no path of escape. There was no way he would be as comfortable as he was now.

“The disaster bought me two months.” “During this cold winter, we have to find a way to develop the territory quickly!”

“The day after tomorrow, no, tomorrow morning, I’ll activate all the resource cards!” He thought about what Paulie had described as “the most barren place”, and “the worst survival conditions”.

The light in Su Mo’s eyes flashed.

These terms sounded a little harsh but, at this stage, they were the best form of “cover” for the basin area.

If others had these predisposed impressions about the territory, even if the basin area underwent some crazy changes, and developed extensive defensive measures in a short amount of time, it would not attract too much attention.

Once the basin area had these resources and developed rapidly, by the time everyone found out, the basin area would definitely surprise and shock everyone! This period of time was the perfect opportunity to build a fortune!

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